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New year



Well a new year is here again. So, anybody have any new year resolutions? None to report here sorry to say. But a quick catch up on what Lesley and I have been doing. Last April a week with the family, our son Stefan an his two daughters and us all met in London for a week. Then in August and September Lesley and I did two weeks in Norway, Sweden and a bit of Finland. We then met up with some friends in Paris and did a week river cruise from Paris to the Normandy beaches then back to Paris. We then rented a car and did two weeks in the south of France in the wine country and the Pyrenees mountains, then on to the Black Forest of Germany and then back to Paris and home.


after we got back home our son Stefan decided to quit his job in NZ and travel around Asia for a few months. He really liked Thailand and will probably go back there. He is now with us and will be until the end of March. He has made the finished room above the garage into a music studio which has alway been a dream of his to have.  After he leavers us he will go to the UK and spend some time there working (he has Uk citizenship), and spend time with his daughters who both live there.


Now a bit of medical news. The digestive issues I have had the past several years are back and seem to be pancreas related. This diagnosis comes from the results of several tests. The good news is that it is very controlled by just taking some enzyme pills with each meal to aid the digestive process. Other than that, all is good here medically.


 I walk our road about 2.5 miles most days. I have been looking at the same roadside trash for months thinking “somebody should clean this up”. A several weeks ago I decided that I should be that somebody. It took a week or so to get it done, but now I just use a small shopping size bag every few weeks to keep it clean. Just makes me feel better and the road looks better.


Anyway that is our quick update, time for tea.

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Great to see you blogging again George. You and Lesley have had a wonderful time travelling around Scandinavia and Europe by the sound of things. I envy you that in a way. But I am a homebody these days, happy with a small circle of friends and an occasional visit from my kids and grandkids.


My life has been involved with the church, my Lions Club and some socialising before Christmas and friends and family since. I have my younger son and youngest granddaughter here right now. I understand at our age we are still important for them to come home to.

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