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I have been working as a locksmith full time, I am no longer going to my physical stroke group, it meets the first Tuesday of each month at the hospital. The last time I attended which was several months ago I passed out printouts that I had made on Medical Marijuana, that did not go over very well. The job took a lot of ink. I had the nerve as I stood before the group and exclaimed that I was an atheist. It's the same all over, 85 percent of the people are way brainwashed and must have their little God who is an idiot by the way and their pills. If God is reading this then kiss my (bleep), got that big boy?


Now I find out that a drug approved by the DEA and the FDA, called Melanol which is Medical Marijuana is out there on the market place, it is being prescribed by doctors. Looking at the info on this drug, the treatment is for a no appetite situation and something to do with AIDS, I forget what exactly. However I have research information that shows the active ingredient of Marijuana is THC, it is listed as a anti seizure drug. Pot dilates the blood vessels which is exactly opposite of what the active ingredient of tobacco does. The side effect of Melanol is something like uncontrollable happiness or some such, look up.


I wish you all well especially Kimberly, I am 100 percent. I still do not like the idea of remaining a species of animal, a human, I will for a while longer then it's off this dreaded globe. Hew Haw.






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i am so glad you are back!!!!!! and yes, i imagine your handing out that material went over like a lead balloon!!!!!!lol. you have a lot of spunk and courage and one doesnt have to agree with you to like you!!!!!!!!!



i hope you keep coming back. and i didn't know you were a locksmith???

you are a man of many hidden talents!!!!! and oh hey to jasmine!!!


kim pash.gifpash.gifpash.giffrench_cig_nomo.giffrench_cig_nomo.gif

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Welcome back rod. Glad to see you are the same person I remember from before. Keep stirring up trouble. beer.gif


More later.



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