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clutter purging binge



I have gone outta control with purging things from my house. I basically went 2 yrs. not 'keeping my house up' since stroke. Stroke took my don't give a damn about house, and I think my brain rewired itself, b/c I have fallen back into my old habits.


I love it, and so does hubby. I have thrown away some of my school junk, that has been sitting in the garage for 2 yrs.


If I do go back into teaching, I will start my chapter book collection over. I don't want to store them if/until the time comes, instead I am freecycling them, giving them away to a family who needs books.


Today I went and bought DD B-day presents. I am so excited for Wed, to get here.


None of the children's mothers have RSVP'd to her party, so I am not for sure who is showing up. That is so inconsiderate!! I am planning on everyone showing up. I bought goody bags for all the kids, even if they are a no show.


What will we do if no kids show up for her party??? I am sure they will, this is the 1st yr. I had an RSVP on the invits.

AS long as she has some presents to open, I think she'll be good.

Here is who I know will come for sure:

1. My sister, her hubby, my nephew

2. 2 neighbor boys

3. My mom

4. My grandmother and grandaddy in law


I guess it will turn out okay...


It is suppose to rain WEd., so hubby and I cleaned out the garage this a.m., so we wil have a place for the Pinata.




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