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was ok day today



welp after staying up all night didnt go to bed till 3:30am this morning

couldnt sleep but miss jean kept me up yill 2 am so its her fault lol

so i went ta bed like 6 or 7 slept a few hours then we went to lil man;s soccer game boy can dat lil boy run shoot he's fast in and out zoom zoom zoom lol

anyway we left there came home fo awhile chilled talked got some good ole sweet tea watched the tube then back off again took lil man to friends to spend da night off so then me n gf went out to all u can eat chineese restuarant and of course i mowed lol now im bout to pop gettin sleepy now but keep goin back in fourth to chat to c if anybody is there wat happend seems like nobody goes in no more come on gang lets get it rocking again welp i was in late last night like i said and miss jean put a smile on my face she was being sweet and kind even told me i couldnt or shouldnt change my name on this sitr cus im thought of as a legend me a legend? maybe marty but lil ole me ?


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