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Monday morning



Well it's Monday morning, The weather has cooled down, quite a bit and it's back to sweat shirts in the morning and evening. some of the trees are starting to turn.

We don't have the spectacular Fall color here like back East.


Today is my daughter's fiance (we call him son in law) Birthday. so yesterday we had a nice barbecue for him.


Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment.. I am finally getting a much needed bridge..The worst of the dentist appointments are over.


My husband "volunteered" me to type the "family" cook book for his family reunion. I have about 1/3 of it done and really need to get moving on this. I think I will take some of it into his copy shop and scan it into the computer and then email it to me here at home so I can copy and paste it into my word program.

Some of it has to be typed as they are hand written.. and I am to decipher the handwriting.. so hopefully the recipes won't taste like...... %%%t. and I can figure them out..lol yeahrite.gif


I don't have much energy today...probably from all the cooking yesterday, but daughter did almost all the dishes. Hubby helped a little ... and I had made the cake Saturday evening.


I am so amazed at my grandson ..he is growing up so fast. he is now 12 yrs old and has started 7th grade.. He is a BIG boy at 5'9" and wearing a size 13 shoe and 32/32 pants. He is now thinking of becoming a massage therapist or a Physical Therapist. A friend who is a massage therapist showed him how to do some back massage and he is quite good...After I stroked he was very protective of me and always walked beside me holding on to me..making sure I had balance.

He has always been wonderful with disabled or handicapped children.

so I guess it isn't a big surprise that he would want to get into some type of "helping" field. It is just nice to see this blossom and hope he continues towards this goal.



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