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Coming Home??



I have been asked alot about coming home lately. Thanks for your concerns.


We had a Care Conference a few weeks ago and Lisa's therapists recommended another month. So, once again we have pushed it back again. But, it's not easy.

Lisa thinks she is never coming home. She thinks she will still be there at Christmas. It's so hard to decide when she will be ready. I changed the anti-depressant she was getting because it wasn't working well and the new one seems to be doing a better job. I try and get her out as much as I can. We have been looking for any reason to leave. Last week we went to a high school soccer game to watch our daughter cheer. Lisa was thrilled. She got a little cold after the sun went down but stuck it out like a trooper.


Lisa told me last night after I dropped her off from being home all day that she felt like she was a burden to me. I was shocked. This came out of nowhere. I have never, ever felt that way and told her so. She gave me that sly little smile she has and I think it reassured her, but she is so hard to read. The one thing I hate about her stroke is she doesn't talk much anymore. It drives me crazy. I babble on and on for hours without much of a response.


The ramp to the house is getting started today. It rained all day yesterday.




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My husband Ray was in hospital 41/2 months and we had a few false starts before he came home. I think we both felt it was never going to happen and were real glad when he finally was home. That was just over six years ago.

Hang in there.


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Hey Butch,

I know you already know it and don't need to hear it from me, but I will say it anyway: You are doing the right thing by getting her as much therapy in an in-patient facility as you can both handle. My diet pepsi will be ready and chillin till you bring her home.




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