Idiosyncrasies -1 a : a peculiarity of constitution or temperament : an individualizing characteristic or quality b : individual hypersensitiveness (as to a drug or food)
This should be my middle name! I already have the middle name of Irene so no need to change my monogram OK, simply put - I am a nut case! Here are some-
1) I will eat broiled fish only if it id msde into a (cold) salad.
2) I will eat carrots raw, but never cooked unless there are a few in stew. Maybe I'll eat them; probably not.
3) Green peas - caned only and only in stew also or a few in mashed potatoes.
4) I have a habit of putting things on an angle such as when stacking things. My shrink cousin said there was a reason but never told me what it was.
5) I really hate telephones.
6) My favorite clothing is old, big and baggy.
7) I prefer being bare-footed.
8) I especially love to sleep when it is raining. If I could stop whatever I'm doing and come home and go to sleep, I'm in heaven.
9) I put important papers away carefully and then forget where I put them (even pre-stroke)
10) I'm sure there are dozens of other ones; I could keep a psychiatrist busy for a lifetime.
What we won't write to keep off of moldy page 2!
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