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Being as off balance as I am at the moment, its no wonder I can't turn corners that well anymore. The other night while I was walking into my bedroom, I turned a bit too sharply and stumbled a little. Now, heres the strange thing... My left (affected) arm reached for the door and counter-balanced me. I didnt grab the door, my hand doesnt work for that to have happened but I was so surprised, I just stood there and looked at my arm!!!! Maybe my brain is reconnecting and has realised my left arm has a function after all!Here's hoping!


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Guest lwisman


I remember very well the first time I caught myself as I started to fall. It was about 15 months after my stroke. It has continued to get better. Almost always catch myself now. Congrats. Things are only looking up. biggrin.gif

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It is shocking, surprising and glorious all at once when your affected hand/arm does anything on its own. Congrats to you! Jump on the opportunity and start using it as a helper, capitolize on the rewiring that is happening.


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Good, glad it is moving, as Pam & Lin said try to use it more and get control of it!!! Mine started movinf but for awhile had a "mind" of it's I now use it and I think it is re programmed.

Best wishes to you


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My right hand has basically always worked. The real problem with it was writing. I do that but would like my penmanship to be a little better. My left hand has taken over many things. I have been eating fingeer foods with my left hand for quite a while now. Today I went to Sonic and was sitting in the car eating because I was too lazy to get out and sit at a table. I was rushed and had a lot to do after. As I sat there, I had the bag with the ff's on my right and, I dropped one when I finally got ahold of one and said to myself- this isn't working so I held the pkg. in right hand and picked them out and ate them with the left.Worked well.


Monday,I volunteered to do some stuffing of invitations for a fashion show a club I belonged to is giving. The chairman set the work up (cards going into envelopes (the responses) but I had to reverse things and put the card in with my left hand. Worked like a charm. Then stamping envelopes- also left-handed. I never practiced anything left-handed, the brain jusy did it. I've been thinking of learning to write left-handed; it could be better. Yes, it is exciting.

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