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I need a handbook



I need a handbook that is called something like "Relationships for Dummies" How the hell have I reached the age of 41 and not reached some understanding of what it is I want. Forget the answer to the question of WHO. Sure I know specifically what I won't put up with, but what do I want???? This week I've been guilty of making some pretty broad generalized statements along the lines of I want to be alone, I don't want to live with anyone, ect.... Then at the first opportunity I'm ready to jump on that bandwagon, and not give a backwards glance. My ship may be coming in........Last train to Clarkesville or wherever it is going...... now mom, don't be replying on my blog about the months vs. the years equation of getting over a relationship gone bad.....

WHAT is just as important as WHO.I think the subject of "what" will have to wait till another time. I'm out of words.



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You already know 'the one month per year that you were together' rule for people to recover from a relationship gone bad. So I won't repeat it here or point out that one-night stands or two-week stands---if there is such a phrase---only take the blink of an eye before you're ready to move on. Check out I'll bet they really do have a Relationship for Dummies book. But what makes you think that ANYONE knows what they want in a mate before they actually have that chemistry going for them when they meet?





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Mom &Pam:


I m no expert on relationship, but I know you have to do some adjustments for anyone you live with, and it is always give and take in relationship, ok that's my 2 cents.



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Sister Pam


there is a book called "Relationships For Dummies" that's part of the "Dummies" series. i skimmed through it at Barnes & Noble (they're open to 11 pm in NYC, so i use them like a library.) the book is, predictably, dumb.


i'll just tell you my story about meeting John after my divorce. it was only when i focused on myself ,and started to figure out what i wanted in life, that i became avaiable to meet someone.


throw away the books about relationships and focus on yourself and what you want out of life for you.


sandy cloud9.gif

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I am no expert on relationships... know I found John when I definately didn't care about having a relationship. I do know you have to love yourself before you can share the love. I think also you can't go into a relationship "thinking" you can change the other person. We all have quirks and :idiocryciences" I think it's about finding the other person's "quircks" cute and not something that would drive you nuts.

I think the first step in a relationship is friendship. Also finding someone with the same morals, trust and what is important to you...

I am lucky to have found someone like is 14 years now...


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Well Pam, You got it all going your way, you will find the right path. Here is one you wrote about a year ago:It is only the heart one can see rightly--what is essential is invisible to the eye.


Remember reading that passage?? So you can be Little Princess this time around.


The who or What is important. I'm on the 4th time around, half of what Liz Taylor accomplished. The Who is invisible to you at present. unsure.gif

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Knowing what you want is important in working towards a career, but not so much in a relationship. Obviously, you need to know what behaviors you will and will not tolerate, which you say you have already determined. That is all you really NEED to have figured out. Think of it this way: if you know what you want and search it out, then couldn't you possibly turning away from something else that might still be just as fulfilling?


Don't worry if you don't know if you want marriage or just someone to become inimate friends with or whatever. Take each relationship as it comes to you and enjoy it without expectation of where it is going. When it gets to the point where you decide you need this or that from the relationship, you'll do what you need to to make it happen or decide to move on. If you are happy with the relationship, then why worry if it's what you previously decided you wanted. You're happy, right? And if you're NOT happy, then you know it's NOT what you want, so you can change it.


I hope I am making sense and not talking in circles. (I sometimes think I don't articulate myself very


Take Care,


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