I need a handbook
I need a handbook that is called something like "Relationships for Dummies" How the hell have I reached the age of 41 and not reached some understanding of what it is I want. Forget the answer to the question of WHO. Sure I know specifically what I won't put up with, but what do I want???? This week I've been guilty of making some pretty broad generalized statements along the lines of I want to be alone, I don't want to live with anyone, ect.... Then at the first opportunity I'm ready to jump on that bandwagon, and not give a backwards glance. My ship may be coming in........Last train to Clarkesville or wherever it is going...... now mom, don't be replying on my blog about the months vs. the years equation of getting over a relationship gone bad.....
WHAT is just as important as WHO.I think the subject of "what" will have to wait till another time. I'm out of words.
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