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Yesterday..not a great day



sad.gif Well yesterday was not a great day... I had a melt down...

I did manage to "maintain" for the most part.


I think I just got over tired. Have been working on the cook book, recovering from a cold and then doctor's appointments.


Most of my labs came back normal, but my cholesterol and triglycerides are up.

So now they are going to try me on Vytorin. I hope this one helps without the side effects I had from the others I have tried (3 of them).


I had my bone density test and I thought it would come out good...well NOT

so now I am on 3 more pills a day for that and an appointment with the doctor next week to discuss the new medication for Osteoporosis called FORTEO. it is injectabble, you do it yourself. Shots don't bother me and I am not afraid of doing this... JUST DISAPPOINTED. I should be (and am) glad we found it early before I lose more bone. This medication does help rebuild bone. They have a program so if you qualify you can get the medication for 12.00 a month..otherwise it is 600.00 a month


Think I was having an "emotional liability" day.


Told my husband, guess you should trade me in for a new model this one is damaged.


I got lots of hugs and I love you's.... cloud9.gif


So now I have added a cholesterol/triglyceride pill, a vitaimin and 2 calcium tablets (for a total of 1400 milligrams of calcium with magnesium and vitamin D to my other medications.


Maybe I will get full from all the pills and will lose another 10 lbs. My goal is 132.


I am still Thankful that I don't have more damage from the stroke. I see many people that have more problems than I do and my heart goes out to them. I try to gain inspiration and confidence from all my friends here but sometimes you just have a day when it's hard to be up and "perky"


On top of this I got a letter from the Insurance company and they now need more information for my claim...

I have a small long term disability plan, but sometimes it is very frustraiting to me trying to read and figure out what they want. They want to make sure they don't pay me 1.00 to much...


I think getting this letter on top of being overtired just put me over the edge. wicklaugh.gif



I am home today and having a quiet day to myself with "my four legged kids"

John said just take it easy and rest, you have pushed too far and are overtired and you know it will take a few days to get back. (I am thinking YEAH he understands....)


some now for some Quiet time... and letting all this other stuff sink in slowly and not over react.. uhm.gif



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Taking care of our health sometimes feels like a full time job, doesn't it. Hope tomorrow is a better day.







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Hi Bonnie

Adverse medical reports send us into a tail spin too. You are doing so well in your own life that what your body is doing seems irrelevant until the doctor points out the realities. Sometimes I know where the saying "ignorance is bliss" comes from!

I am so glad you have support from John when you need it. Thanks for what you do here. I look forward to you posts and blogs and when I am feeling blue just have to think of others whose load is so much heavier than mine and it helps me make that extra effort.Hope your rest day has the effect of giving you the boost you need.


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we all are allowed to have melt down once in a while, but remember that you also have lot of good days, its wonderful to have loving and supportive husband. you got to believe and have faith that this downhill ride will get over, and later ride will be only upwards.




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Thanks, Jean, Sue & Asha. today was a better day. I spent it at home, with my 4 legged kids. Got some laundry done and made dinner. I think I just got overtired and everything hit like a ton of bricks. I even talked to the lady at the Insurance Company today. So I feel like I am doing much better.

Thanks so much


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Hi Bonnie,


I'm sorry for your bad day that you had recently; yep, there will be days like that. My sister had a bone density test done and she was 1 point below osteosporsis. Since then, she managed to trip in the driveway and broke her femur. It takes a lot of therapy to get back and she did. In fact she did so well, she was back climbing a ladder to trim trees etc. but four weeks ago she was careless fixing a drape and was trying not to step on her nightgown (she couldn't wait to get dressed!) and she fell and cracked her pelvis in 2 places. She is getting better from that. For years she has been on acctonal (sp.) and calcium. Of course, you have to be careful - which she wasn't. She maybe would just be breaking bones without doing anything if she had really bad osteoporosis. Had you taken any hormones? That sometimes causes it. So, with her it's her bones; with me, my brain.


Hope lately things have gone better.

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