The blahs
I don't know what it is, but it seems the blahs are going around here-especially with the caregivers- and I'm no exception. Oh, I know what is bothering me, but I have to wonder...Is it the the phase of the moon; are we caregivers on some sort of cycle similar to that of women who live together; are the blahs contagious through the computer like a real life virus; or am I just seeing it in this light because thats the frame of mind I'm in???
I know I am down because our assistant told us this week she is going back to work and no longer will be able to help (she won't be able to help us here AT ALL because she will be working with me again, and any sort of fratinization can get me fired). I am completely bummed out about it because I know that I will not be able to spend as much time as she does working with Patrick on his speech homework, and the truth is, I don't think I have it in me to do it even if I did have the time. Then I feel guilty for feeling that way. Part of me just feels like there is no point in trying to replace her; the jig is up.
My 14 year old son is being 14, and I feel like a single parent. And as a single parent, I am working mostly nights so that I can take Patrick to therapy and appointments during the day. So that leaves my 14 year old home alone with my husband. Because of Patrick's cognitive deficits, I think my son thinks he and my husband are a little bit more "equal" than parent/child, and my husband obviously thinks differently. This leaves my husband nagging my son, and my son calling me at work to play the middle man, and I am sick of it. How do you tell an argumentative 14 year old to stop arguing with my aphashic husband who can't argue back, and how do you convince someone with some deficits to cut a little slack? I try to keep the peace, but to no avail. I am just as guilty as my husband in this child rearing crisis- my son really is challanging me lately, and I sometimes get so tired of trying to get him to JUST PASS SCHOOL (he has ADD, and this year he has REFUSED any meds) that i feel like it is hopeless. I love him so much, but why did my husband and my son have to need me SO MUCH at the same time!!!!
I miss having friends. My husband has been my best friend for years, and while my other friends are still dear to me, they do not live nearby, and I don't talk to them much. All I want is to be carefree again, to have some fun that lasts for more than a moment before it's gone. I am not even neccesarily missing the life we had before, I am missing the fun I use to have with friends when I was in school a million years ago. Isn't that ridiculous? To suddenly miss something you haven't missed in years?
I feel like the weight of our family existance is on my shoulders, and you know what? IT IS!!! I just want to go to bed, crawl under a warm blanket and cry myself to sleep. But I can't. So I try to get up everyday and face the day with hopes that I will get through it unscathed, or that maybe I'll be able to make someone else feel better with a few encouraging words. I try to be positive, I really do. This week has just been hard.
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