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Too busy to think



It has been an interesting week. Not all good, not all bad. Guess I'll start with Sunday and work my way through.


Last Sunday- While I am at work my son calls me to tell me he's fallen off his skateboard and feels sick and is having trouble seeing. I left work (thankfully there was another manager on duty) and took him to the ER to check for a concussion. This is my second trip to this ER in two weeks, the last one was for me when I had a dental emergency and gave myself a panic attack at 2:30 am when I thought I surely had OD'd on pain meds and I felt like I couldn't breath. So I took Brandon in and we were back in just under 2 hours. Not bad for the ER. Brandon checked out fine so I went back to work to finish my shift and so the other manager could go home.


Monday- Naturally my son wants to stay home from school, but there was no reason for him to stay home, so he went. At 12:30 he calls asking me to bring him Ibuprophen for pain, so I did. When I get there, his special ed teacher asks to see me so we can set up testing for this year. After we got that done, she says "And you have been getting the daily phone messages, right?" I am like WHAT PHONE MESSAGES? As it turns out she has been haviing my son call "home" everyday to tell us what his homework is for the day- except he hasn't been dialing HOME, he's been dialing an old cell phone number that I typically let him use. But we haven't even been using it because he left the charger for it out of town. Short story long- he's busted himself out by me coming to the school. He is currently enjoying life from inside the house without any outside connections.


Tuesday- I get a phone call from another teacher at Brandon's school about tutoring Brandon at our home 3 days a week. After the conversation with the special ed teacher on Monday, I asked her if she knew anyone who tutored. It will be nice to know that someone who KNOWS EXACTLY whats going on at school will hopefully be able to keep him accountable and on track. Brandon is not thrilled with this arrangement, but he has agreed to do it.


Thursday, Today- Busy day today. Started with therapy at 1:30, report card conference at 3:00 (no surprises, at least), then off to our first Stroke Support Group meeting at 4:00, and finishing with Brandon's Karate starting at 7:25. The meeting went as I expected, the topic was not particularly exciting for me- it was over the different tests and equipment used in examining patients when trying to detect a stroke and other brain functions. But I think Patrick and I both enjoyed just being there so we will go again next month. Besides next meeting is purely social- they are having a potluck to celebrate Thanksgiving. I will have to decide what to bring. I always enjoy cooking for fun rather than just neccessity. Did I mention we ate dinner in there somewhere? I cooked chicken breasts on my new HANDY DANDY GEORGE FOREMAN GRILL. lol


Friday, Tomorrow- Another full day planned. Therapy in the morning and directly to the physiatrists office where I expect to be told his PT sessions are coming to a speedy end. I hope not, but I am pretty sure thats what she will tell me. We will leave the doctors office and basically immediately make a five hour round trip to pick up my step son in St. Louis for the weekend. I think I'll make a quick stop before we go and pick up the new Taproot CD for the journey. I need some energizing music to get me pumped up again, and their new song CALLING jams. It's been a while since me or Patrick have been able to pay any attention to music, and this has always been an important part of our lives. I feel like it's kind of a way to get back to WHO WE ARE. I hope to be home by dinnertime and maybe enjoy the remnants of my days off from work. (My days off being Thursday and Friday, and as you can see, I am not getting a whole lot done at home, but what can I do???)Theres always hope for my days off next week.

So here I am now, vegging out, and finally enjoying that cheap glass of wine I've been dreaming about. Until tomorrow



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Would you like another glass of wine? Nothing wrong with cheap wine. Enjoy.


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