trivial pursuits
I seem to be stuck in a time warp again. Some people see the big picture, I see all the little details. Life at the moment is a trivial pursuit.
Today I took out the white primulas that the wind burned off and replaced them with little blue violas that will be a picture in a fortnight if we don't have a heatwave by then. I topped up the pots with soil and watered them. It took an hour or so but I was out in the fresh air and the birds raced past (it is pairing time for a lot of them) it wasn't overhot and it was very pleasant.
We went to craft from 1pm - 3pm. The ladies there are all 70-80 apart from us but it doesn't matter , we are all good friends. I have been making pretty hairbands and other children's accessories. It is keeping me amused and keeping boredom at bay. I can do handwork at night after Ray goes to bed.
While Ray is in a sleepier state since the last stroke I find I can just fill in time and handwork and reading, TV and computer, gardening and calling friends, whatever will keep me alert and engaged with life. I just read a post about going out with girlfriends, I left that behind six years ago when Ray had the major strokes. I just don't talk the talk anymore. Now whatever I want to do I have to be able to do alone. Thank goodness my mother taught us to amuse ourselves. Now all that training is coming in handy.
"So if it's something that must be done, and that can only be done by one, there is nothing left to say, except it's a lovely day for saying, it's a lovely day." 40's song, Cole Porter or someone like that wrote it. That song just seemed to fit in here so it is humming away in my head right now.
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