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Home Evaluation Today



The OT/PT Department heads are coming to our house today to look for any problem areas that Lisa might have when she comes home. I think I have done a fairly good job with eliminating things in her traffic areas. Sure, I'll have to put up some grab bars here and there, but it looks good.


And now for something completely different....


I never cooked all that much before. Oh, I can cook, but it was planning what to make that I had trouble. My mom and dad split when I was young so I never learned to hunt or fish, but I could knit you a blanket in a day. biggrin2.gif

Anyway, I have become a master of the crock pot. Is this the greatest invention ever? Set it and forget, and when you get home, instant dinner. It's great!!!


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Now you need to master the wok, heat some oil, throw in thinly sliced meat and stir for a while, throw in sliced vegetables,chopped up herbs etc, stir a few minutes more. Serve, hot, fresh, seasoned to perfection. My youngest son has it down to a fine art. He taught himself from illustrated step-by-step books.

Marvellous what you can do when you put your mind and enthusiasm together.


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I'm a non-cook too and love the crock pot. I can cook in a wok but it seems like so much trouble to prepare everything and clean up afterwards that I don't do it often. My favorite cooking short-cut method is using a plastic vegetable steamer in the mircowave---Tupperware makes it. In seven minutes you've got fresh, crispy vegetables to go with your crock pot meat.



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I just got a George Foreman grill about 2 weeks ago and it's my new favorite toy. I really prefer a charcoil grill for purely taste reasons, but this grill is nice when I want to cook meat fast with little hassle. I have even used it to make paninni(sp) style sandwiches. But the crock pot is good too, I made beef pot roast in mine yesterday.


Butch- I bet you didn't think this blog would turn into a recipe swap, did ya!

Take Care


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If they had had that grill when I was younger, I might not have hated cooking so much! It's the easiest to clean cooking device I've ever tried and it cooks great salmon, steak, chicken, and hamburgers.



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Butch, you've got a few friends when you use your crock pot - two are mushroom and tomato soup. They become the best gravy around. Even tougher cuts of meat fall apart when made with the tomato soup. Happy eating or as the late Julia Child used to say - "bon appetit".
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swiss steak is nice..... flour and brown the meat add it to the crackpot and pour fresh tomatoes onion and celery over them and a bit of seasoning add carrots cover and cook for the rest of the day this is supper ... serve over rice and you have a very nice meal

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