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plan coming together



My emergency care plan seems to be taking shape, my next door neighbour does have a key and does know where it is and will let me release his phone number if I need to. He says if I have an emergency and he is home he is willing to help.

One of my old friends down the road used to have a key too but she has moved so I need to decide on another neighbour to have one.

The boys say not to worry as they are usually in contactable distance but I would rather know there was a back-up plan as well. Better safe than sorry.

In discussing this with another friend he asked if I would be his emergency person if he has his grandson with health problems and has an emergency. I agreed, he is on his own, and an only child and the daughter and son-in-law occassionally ask for help and he takes his two grandsons for weekends. If you think you are stressed you ought to see him at the end of a week with them!!

We had dinner with our son and daughter-in-law and our dear Tori tonight. we don't go there for meals often so it was a lovely family time. There was thunder when I set out but it has all blown away and the sky if full of stars now.

If I stop worrying for a while the world can be a beautiful place.


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The world is a beautiful place, put your worries down for a bit. I've learned, it always works out no matter what you are planning on doing. While worrying and planning are good preperations to something happening, not always can you thwart what is going to happen. What will be, will be.

Everything will turn out fine,


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Pam, I am one of those people who are happier doing something, I guess it makes me feel useful. I like to be prepared for most eventualities. I know I am not good at relaxing and letting it all flow although I do tell myself I should.

We are who we are. Thank goodness some people still love us that way!


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