who's the pushy one?
As a caregiver I sometimes have to be in the right about things. Even while I am asserting what I think is right in a situation, sometimes over and over and in a loud voice, a small voice in the back of my head says:"but what about their rights?"
Because of Ray' disabilities it is easier for me if we follow a routine. Sometimes when I say:"Come on mate, it's time to get ready." he rolls his eyes and I can see that he doesn't want to go out. I guess in the days when I could leave him safely on his own, in his able bodied days, I would just have said :"Well, if you don't want to come I will go by myself." and I would have slammed the door behind me. But now that I can't leave him on his own, I can't do that. So whether the appointment is for me or for him we both get to go.
Since the physiotherapist's visit last week I have been concerned with getting Ray to do the walking she wants him to do. Here as in the US the amount of therapy of various forms you get depends on seeing results, so if Ray doesn't do the practice and doesn't show improvement he will be seen as incapable of improving and the therapy will be discontinued. And I am banking on him recovering his balance, improving his walking and generally being able to walk further so it improves our chances of having another successful trip away (my need).
And so I begin to be pushy. Reminding him of his need to do the exercises, reminding that he hasn't done his exercises. (anybody with me here?)saying in a loud voice that it is about ** time he did the exercises. I do stop short of threatening him but I feel like doing that too.
Am I just a bit pushy? I guess so. But I do love him and I do want to see him get better, or at least back to where he was prior to this last stroke.
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