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doing what you have to



I felt really sorry for Ray tonight. We did half of the new exercises before dinner and half of them after an hour or so. It possibly wasn't the right time but it was the time I had left. He really struggled to raise his left foot off the floor and it was a strain that really showed on his face. But he did it.

Hopefully he will get some of his previous fitness back. I know that firmer muscles, more exercise in a day, make for a happier Ray. But he does always need "help" and there is resentment that I, who can do it, am helping him. He doesn't like to feel he is weak and fights to keep that from his mind. I want him to compete against himself. And not get bitter if he feels it is too much effort. I want him to get some confidence back and some motivation.

We had a call yesterday afternoon to say he is being considered for another "program". this also starts with a fitness test. It seems a waste that the first session of everything we do is more paperwork. I wish we could photocopy the first one and pass it on, highly paid professionals asking the same questions and filling in more forms seems such a waste of all that university study. I am hoping this physio will be what he needs, rather than just another assessment. Of course most are "project funded" which means spend the money until it runs out, always short of the target hours. Wouldn't "needs based funding" be better? But no politician from whichever party is in power is going to be interested in giving people what they need.


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