Stroke Clubs/What Is A Stroke Club
I thought I would make this Blog since there are so many New Members seeking support clubs in their hometowns and vicinities. Then the lack of having someplace to gather information they want from those having experienced strokes.
A stroke club is a community organization formed by and for stroke survivors, their family members, caregivers and friends. Stroke families help stroke families learn more about stroke and help survivors rebound.
(By that same token, that's what we have here on the internet, just much bigger and a world wide web basis to form a huge community.)
Through regular meetings, club members help one another face and over come common problems. By sharing similar experiences. Club members encourage one another and everyone benefits by learning to live normal, productive lives. A stroke club can be a place to make friends, socialize, gain realistic feedback, help others, and find meaning in life.
It can be a bridge from a lonely, homebound existence to a vibrant, fulfilling life as a member of the community. For club members, it is hope, dedication and LOVE.
( Isn't that just what we have here by a verture way of the Internet?)
People facing similar problems can emphasize with, and draw strength from one another as they cope with day to day difficulties. They can maintain their identities and continue to feel productive. (That's why some will join, post questions, chat, while others will just stay as Lurkers, read, and maintain a guest status until they are ready to be a member.) Again that's certainly my views of Stroke Net and of the people responsible for this wonderful organization from top to bottom.
There is no easy way to deal with a stroke. It's not what happens to you, it's how you handle it. Once it happens, it is important to pick up the pieces and go on. We have come to know every stroke is different, so is every resulting problem. We all heard those words from our first day in rehab right up to today.
Nevertheless, there are similarities, and quite often it is possible for people to boost their self confidence by meeting, and hearing it from others who have experienced, and overcome similar problems. (That's why I personally add my two cents worth to many of the newbie's post.) It helps build their shaken and sometimes weak confidence, in facing the unknown. and hearsay.
As you read their posts, "how many are so afraid of having another one", much less dealing with their current stroke.
Stroke clubs are intended to provide education, social and recreational activities, through group interaction for stroke survivors and family members. Questions were just posted recently by a new member wanting to receive the stroke connection magazine, and in his case, was told by some source, that the price was about $300 a year. We immediately told him the magazine was free.
However, in some of their little pamplets or handouts from the American Heart Association, it does state that $8/year, 6 issues, or courtesy (no charge-subscription fee will be waived for any stroke survivor unable to pay the fee).
This explanation (in part) is from the american heart association, with hopes it will answer a few questions of those needing to be informed about stroke clubs.
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