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Portable Power when Power Fails Us



Reading a comment on a Blog reminded me how important electrical power is to us survivors that communicate by way of the computer. I'm going to make plans to purchase a mid-size generator real soon. Winter is coming, even in Texas, and we could have power outages for extended periods of times.


I can't imagine me without access to the internet. Talk about depression, boy, I would go crazy. Ofcourse, if the cable company goes down, I'm out of luck, but they usually are back up in a matter of minutes or hours.


My items to hook up are computer, TV, refrig, microwave and freezer. Every thing else can be battery operated or candle power and will be ok until power is restored. In my community, all electric power and cable is underground and I'm not in a flood zone.


I think the computer is an item many households live by, even paying the bills, not having to wait for the postman. With direct deposit to the bank, most of any worries are eliminated.


Who said stroke survivors got it real bad, I think we are blessed, just not able to move at the speed of sound, but we get there sooner or later. happydance.gif



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Guest lwisman


Thing is you don't realize how much you depend on electricity until it is not there. A few years ago ours was off for 18 hours in the dead of winter. I discovered that our heat (which is natural gas) is switched on by electricity. This means that in addition to no lights, computer, TV and radio, cooking, fridge, etc. there was no heat. I put on several layers of clothes. The cat was happy to be a heater. She was cold too.


Unfortunately there isn't really a good way around this.

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