Cold and Snowy...
It's a cold and snowy day in N. Minnesota. As it should be. I have been having some rather somber thoughts lately. I am starting to doubt if I can stick this out. I read somewhere the divorce rate of couples who deal with stroke. I can now understand why it is so high.
The thing that has me is, "When did I start feeling this way?" How can I get past this? It feels to me that I would rather just quit from the weight of future ahead instead of fighting to reach the next step.
If Lisa read this, it would be devasating to her. I feel like a tyrant around the house. She will only do any kind of therapy if I am with her. It's like she is not taking any responsibility for herself. So, I end up harping on her. I'm tired of it.
She has 2 answers to every question: I Don't Know or I Can't. Bullshit!! She won't even try. I tired of coaching and cheerleading. How do you motivate someone with no motivation?
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