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Rollys Day at the VA



Left the house at 7am and just got home (4 pm)! It's about a 45 minute drive with no traffic, but since his first appt was at 8:20, we certainly had traffic!


He doesn't have to go back to neurology. They don't follow stroke victims after the initial check ups unless there is an underlying reason they had the stroke (i.e. blood disease that causes clots etc) and he doesn't have any of thise risk factors. So that went as well as it could! She added some extra folic acid to his regime, and also changed him from one adult asprin to something more like Plavix, I think. Won't know until it comes in the mail!


She did enourage him to walk a mile a day (work up to it if he has to) and I made her repeat that as I told her he ws afraid to walk because he thought it would bring on another stroke. She told him he would do more benefit (i.e. weight loss, lower blood pressure, general well being) than he could possibly do harm. Kind of a use it or lose it approach!


Then had his fasting blood work done (it's now about 10am) and from there straight to urgi care (i.e. ER) to have the mole checked. They finally called him in at 1:30 and then sent him to dermatology to make an appointment. Didn't seem overly concerned about it (i.e. said it didn't "look" like cancer) but because of the size of it and not knowing how long he had it, wanted it to be checked out.


Whew, I'm tired! (~_~) And when we got home at 4pm he had a bowl of soup and went to bed. Slept 14 hours, so hopefully is all recharged!





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