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The wild time of year



Whilw we have enjoyment seeing all the beautiful decorations and lights everywhere, this is also the season of "rush-rush". Everyone is in a hurry! To me this is the worst time of year to be out driving or even in a car. Not only are people frazzled from their shopping sprees, but they may be "lifted" from all the Christmas parties. These parties aren't virtual and the booze isn't in the imagination. This happens every holiday, but I wonder what the statistics are for accidents for the month. Yesterday, in my work mode, I kept off the interstate as much as I could. (There is a 4 miles section I have to take it.) It is known as being dangerous and now with tourists from many states with different driving laws, and the rushing, it's plain bad. Saw one car with an accordian hood. Not a very nice Christmas present, I'd say.


I guess the Happy part of being out is the excitement of the time. I saw so many taking live Christmas trees to their cars. The smell is breathtaking, especially when you walk through the area where they are being sold.


My doggie is going to have a great Christmas/ birthday. Yes, she really was a Christmas puppy. Guess her Mom and Dad didn't plan right........People usually try to have puppies born 8 - 10 weeks before so puppies can be sold for Christmas, but with doggies, they have their own time-clock (LOL) so my "little girl" has to celebrate a double holiday -BUT_ this mama sees that she gets 2 gifts and is not cheated. And she was given the middle name of Noel to celebrate her special day. (Yes, it should be Noelle, I believe, because she is female.) This time, I saw a fire hydrant goodie jar with some sort of goodies inside. If she didn't already have a coat, there were some beauties in Target. Extremely chic. Must stay out of that store.


Well. guess it's time to start my day with our walk. Mama's got to be at a supermarket today doing the fun demo job with the raffle every 15 minutes. Un-fortunately, I'm in a quieter section, no samples- flowers. Oh well, you can't win them all.


Now what did I put my black apron................


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Guest lwisman




I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one here who buys Christmas gifts for a pet. My cat even has her own stocking to hang. Some of us are obsessed!


Know what you mean about the crazy people out there. I too try to stay in this time of year. Of course it's also cold where I live (in the 20s most of the time these days).


Have a good holiday.

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Lin and Phyllis,


Make that three people whose pets get holiday gifts. In our case, Cooper gets more of them than we do. We had a dog once who loved Christmas as much as the kids and would know not to open the presents until we told him he could. Then he'd dive in with gusto.


Then we had another dog who opened everyone's presents one year while we were gone.



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Jean, your other dog was training for a higher paying job with the police department when he opened all the presents that one year. menu-Clever2.gif

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