Bah Humbug
OK, My metamorphus has happened. I now hate christmas, want it to just slide by like aging. Wake me up when it is over.
Now I once used to be a lover of all christmas, we used to take two entire weeks to decorate the house, put up two trees and I used to make 400 batches of cookies to give away each year. What was I nuts?????? I'll be lucky if I manage one batch of toll house chocolate chip and I'll cheat and buy the refridgerated dough to make them too. I can't be bothered with all the fuss. I refuse to be stuck cooking the dinner too. screw it, I'd rather eat sticky buns or french toast for dinner. Who needs the whole meat and potatos meal? Why am I writing this on December 5? Cause the X is pushing the whole christmas day thing. I'm not even getting a tree. I may string some white lights on my Hibiscus, but that will be my only contribution to the whole christmas frenzy. I refuse to participate this year, it is my year off. My snow day.
All I want for christmas is my Senseo coffee machine. That's it, I get that and I'll just sip yummy coffee all day and put my feet up.
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