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Dog The Bounty Hunter



I don't watch much tv, but for some weeks now, I make sure I am plopped in front of my tv on Tuesdays at 9 and Wednesdays at 8. On A&E is a show called Dog The Bounty Hunter. I am a new fan. I find the show hysterically funny. For a couple hours a week, I get to peek into the world of bounty hunters. While interesting, the appeal for me is the excitement, the danger. Yeah I know I need a life. Working on that..... So for those of you reading my blog, if you have never watched Dog, I strongly urge you to watch it, we could do a weekly Dog chat. Call it the Dog pound or HostBonnie could hold the dawghouse chat. Ha! Can you tell I'm bored? We could have fun with this. Come on people, give me your ideas on Dog the bounty hunter.



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UH, I haven't seen Dog the Bounty Hunter, but I will look for it..

We do watch a lot of animal planet, dog shows and the Funny pet show,


The dogs get petty interested in these shows too...


Dawghouse Chat..pretty kewl


(since we are up to 6 Tasha, Muggsy, Molly, Romeo, Mindy & Alyese..woof woof Bonnie

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I have never watched an episode in it's entirety, but I found it entertaining too.


I have to work every Tues/Wed night, and my husband records Amazing Race for me on Tuesdays (same time, I believe). But when that show ends next week, maybe I can convince him to record it for me.


As far as the excitement of bounty hunting goes, a co-worker has me hooked on the book series about Stephanie Plum, a 30 something almost accidental "bounty hunter" with a pention for having her cars blown up. There are about 11 books in the series and I often find myself laughing out loud at her antics. Stephanie is a great mix of Jersey girlie-girl and tom-boy, and there's a teeny tiny touch of romance in the books too. A nice, funny, light read by Janet Evanovich.


And for Dog...

I find it hilarious what his reward is after a capture!


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I'm not a big Dog fan myself, BUT I'd like to have some of his hair!

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Thanks for the good laugh! Listen, if you had some of his hair, what would you do about that cute tattoo you once sported?????


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