What to call it?
I have a ton of stuff swirling in my brain today. To give you an idea- Karma, reincarnation, Existentialism, Kierkgard, Kant's Manifold of Destiny(does anyone understand what he was saying? He fries my brain!)philosphies of Buddihism, Paganism and on and on. My brain just never stops or shuts up, plus all the mundane lists of things to do for christmas, moving, ect ect....legal ends to tie up before I leave the state. Baggage to unpack and or throw away. Now I understand where Scarlett was coming from... "I'll think about it tomorrow" Sounds good to me.
I did manage to take a break from thinking and go shopping online. Shopping online is always fun. I'm going to a real store on Wednesday morning, yippee my first venture out shopping this season. Plus, I'm looking forward to the trip to Barnes and Nobles, that is always a easy 100 dollar store.But I still have books to read yet, so not buying nothing for myself.... gift purchases only.
Have to hit the grocery store to buy refridgerated cookie dough.
SSShhh don't tell santa... I did buy presents for myself online this morning.
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