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Funny how I will write about anything to get off page 2!!! Last weekend I got a bit sunburnt and now I'm itching! And I'm sure my right side is a lot more itchier than my left, simply cause I can't scratch. I'm sure its my brain playing games with me... Ha Ha, lets make the right arm itch more, she can't scratch it!!!!!!! Summer has hit South Afria, so its hot sunny days spent in the pool till about April. Right, that should take me to page one!!


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show off!just kidding, head_hurts.gif


I'm itchy too, but its from the dry heat in the house that occurrs during -18 wind chill temp in chicago, normally we don't get this till January! Yikes- it hurts to breathe when your outside in this!

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Had a scorcher yesterday, it hit 40 degrees celcius, 105 fahrenheit. Just survived that one, very hard to get the cooler air into the house last night though. So found it hard to get to sleep.

Then today it was a bit cooler and so we were able to do a bit more. This afternoon took Ray and our grand daughter to a friend's pool and she had a lovely time splashing me and we spent about forty minutes in the water.

No pool here at home but a few friends with one so this summer they will see a lot of us.

Glad you can make this summer a summer of fun.


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Dry heat causes my itchiness. Jean R doen't have the corner on the itching market after all. Hope Jean has found relief!


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I have noticed it only takes one day for a Blog to make page two. After about 4 days I can't find it in the first 3 pages. More people are blogging these days, including me...


Maybe you'll get a long handle back scratcher under the tree from Santa. That's what I use, or my long handle shoe horn I got from hospital rehab. happydance.gif

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