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Just Thinking and Wondering, No Worry!!



Sunday evening Wondering about a few things in life!!Here is my BLOG.

I Wonder,

1) Will we ever get out of Iraq....


2) Will Bush ever admit he mislead America and other countries, invading Iraq..


3) Since 15 of the 19, 9/11 hi-jackers, were from Saudi, where is the hunt going for those responsible...


4) Will medicare and social security end a little ways down the road....


5) If Ford & GM will really lay off employees cause their cars aren't selling..


6) Will foreign cars continue to out sale American made cars....


7) Will stroke survivors always wonder if they will have another stroke....


8) If all strokes will be correctly diagnosed at the hospitals....


9) Will strokes be considered accidents & insurable like loosing a finger, limbs or eye is now. Brain cell lost affects our 5 senses to some degree...


10) Will we lose our Strokenet Web Site one day for lack of contributions....


Most of all, will we always have wars, loss of lives, and still be FREE....



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Gosh, Fred, you make me feel bad that all I did today is think about my earlobes. Seriously, heavy stuff here. I'm glad someone worries about stuff like this.



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I sure wish we could persue about

insurance cos. covering loss by stroke

I would have been in a much better situation and many others if insurance covered cost of our losses due to stroke.

Hopefully this will be happening soon to benefit survivors

Also people should be made more aware of critical illness insurance.

Take care


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Hi Fred



As long as there is a Bush in the Oval office including

goofy Jeb and his kids,America's in trouble.





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