World News with many Unknowns
Since, as a stroke survivor, I have slowed down and able to listen, watch, and read more of what's happening around this world. There are some interesting stories lately that leaves me saying, duh!! I'm glad and proud, it tells me my damaged brain is still useful and recovering.
The death of former Sen. Eugene McCarthy, who died in his sleep at an assisted living home, where HE HAD LIVED FOR THE PAST FEW YEARS, according to his son, Michael.
At the age of 89, I would think he owned a home, was in good shape financially and had a living son. Ofcourse, we don't know his physical conditions. Like some of us, we could not live alone or without a caregiver. Knowing about reported conditions in SOME LTC facilities and assisted living homes, my choice would be, pay for the same care, in my own house.
Race Riots in Australia? In the summer time? The last country I'd expect to hear that type of news, but it's true. I hope none of our strokenet members were in the area on the beach.
End of an era for the Red double decker busses in London. I feel good about that, the new busses accomidate the handicap, which I am now. The big fires of the oil tanks, the Brits are having their share of problems, not to forget the subway bombings a few months ago.
The voting in Iraq and Iraqis around the world. I was not aware over a million lived in the united states and are voting today, Dec 12th, while those in Iraq will vote on the 15th. Maybe Bush could live there after he retires from the white house and pay no taxes. Sadam had many fancy castles.
Williams' in california is scheduled to die tomorrow by injection. The governer is his last hope, until midnight, or 2 minutes before to spare his life. If he was here in Texas and Bush was still governer, his fate would be carried out without a doubt.
A madagra, in New Orleans in two months, no way. People scattered all around the united states, still looking for housing. No jobs, no homes, some still have mortgages to pay, no insurances paying for water damages that destroyed much of that major city. How could you be in a party mood no matter how much it's a part of your culture.
The one story I'm curious about is the bird flu. It could wipe out the population of the world, it seems. That would be far worse than any earthquake or tsunami. I guess we won't need the Red Cross or FEMA, when/if it happens.
I guess, being a stroke survivor, is not the end of the world after all. When we look at the world as a "hole", it's very deep. If the whole world was free, it would be a much better life for all, even if we had different policies and procedures.
Freedom of speech and worship should never be compromised anywhere in the world. After all, we remain individuals with a mind of our own, and a chance for higher education, even if our brain has suffered some damages.
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