My last day in Texas
The house is quiet, except for the clicking of the keyboard keys on the computer. I'm sitting in the dark, diet pepsi in hand, gathering my thoughts and emotions, in preparation for heading home after two weeks in Texas with our daughter and family, and their three beautiful, delightful girls.
Suddenly my long anticipated two week visit seems hardly long enough. But I daresay if it was three weeks or even four, I'd be thinking and feeling the same thing.
Good things never last long enough, and the "bad" things seem to go on forever. Has it really been 8 1/2 months since the big bad stroke so drastically changed our lives?
Well, it is what it is, and so life goes on....a life we never expected would be ours. Today is our 37th wedding anniversary. We'd never have guessed, walking down the aisle in our small-town church, amidst friends and relatives, that this would be us now.
But we can wallow in self-pity and say "Why us, God?" when in actuality, "Why NOT us, GOd?" seems just as valid a question.
Life is what you make it.
Choose to live fully each and every day, never knowing what the next will bring.
Happy Anniversary, Rolly! I'll see you tonight.
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