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now i know ill get some contraversey here but here goes

you have to allways have some kind of back up plan you never know

when something may throw you for a loop and change the way you are doing things

take for instance the yanks in new york they all depended on the railway

system to get them from point a to point b now that the people are striking the yanks are caught with there pants down , hmmmm

its 3:40 am here i just seen on the news where there highways and byways are all grid lock in town due to the striking, yes sure the railway is great for our planet no smog creating system , but now they are walking miles and miles to work in the frigid cold, some are smart they are on bikes

most are walking thoughthey also said on the news that if theres not atleast 2 or more passengers in a vehicle they are told to turn around as they are not letting them with in the city now look at that situation there

is that not crazy!!! so much dependency on 1 thing its aweful



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Now I'm about to disagree with you, whether I'm disagreeing cause I'm a yank from NY or whatever. I think your reasoning is flawed.Come on, you really think any city in the world has a back up plan for a strike? When you have the numbers that use mass transit on a daily basis, I doubt anyone is prepared when one part of the system is shut down.


Besides at 3:40 in the morning, it is easy to sit there and judge, but you would benefit more if you sat there and thought more openly. Expand your horizons and try not to be narrow minded.


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see thats a yank response lol i new this one would get pams attention

narrow minded pam me never

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Pam I believe you are in upstate NY. Many Nyers who live in the city do not even own an automobile; they do depend on the subway and busses and yes, walking if they are going a reasonabble distance. And of course there are many who work in NY live elsewhere, in NJ and Conn. Can't you imagine the problem if you lived uptown and worked in the village or Battery Park.


My sympathy to them. They will not be able to get to work, Taxis cost a fortune if you can get one. Stores aren't able to make the $ they had hoped for this holiday season, the garment industry will have trouble getting their spring lines out etc. if this continues.


While I don't approve of government intervention, seems to me that perhaps the national guard there may have to run government busses or they will need to get scabs who will cross the picket lines which is dangerous. When there was a strike of air controllers, they went for others and the airlines were able to move safely. I'm not sure the old controllers ever got their jobs back.


What happened was a selfish attitude by the unions.They should be glad they have work and not be so greeedy, especially at this time of year. True, for them to get over their pont it was the best time but not really the right time or way to do it IMHO

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you cant respond to pams little world she lives in if you dont agree with what she says , she says you are narrow minded,and judgemental well pam this is for you hun stfu you are the 1 who is judging here not me

that was only my opinion ok eveybody is due there owmn opinion

not everyvbody is going to agree with pam so get over it!!!!!

we are not narrow minded and or judgemental if we dont agree with you pam , look at how your attitude just stinks up the place pam, i know quit a few people who use to try to be your friend

but as allways your snobby shitty attitude gets in the way all the time

so shuff it stick it and stfu u r just a angry old biotch!!!!

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Stan, Pam---


Go to your separate corners and cool down! This may be the blogs but we're still not allowed to name call or flame here.


Message Board Administrator: Jean

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lol jean i new u would step in sooner or later i just didnt know when lol

and i suppose of course its me in trouble here huh

and lol easy peaches lolim calm cool and collect i said my piece now fo da rest its ova for me wit dis battle stuff here

come on jean i got a truvk load of ding dongs in lets go party hearty

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from a New Yorker and a stroke survivor who actually lives in NYC, here are my thoughts on this blog:


1) i do not mind at all if you call me Yank, if i can call you Cracker, with no offense meant by either of us. if this makes you a bit touchy, let's just call each other stan and sandy;

2) nyc is a world metropolitan area along the lines of London, Paris, and Tokyo. would you disrespect those cities for being dependent on public transportation? major world metropolitan areas will be, unfortunately, dependent on mass transit until we can teleport ourselves from place to place;

3) we new yorkers are doing pretty well despite the strike.things are really peaceful here and there has been no fightingin the streetsover the strike. most people are using contingency plans to get to work and most employers are giving people breaks by letting them come in late and leave early and/or change hours so that they can get into Manhattan before 5AM, when the HOV 4 rule goes into effect (stan, it's 4 people per car, not 2. HOV 2 has been in effect for Manhattan below 96th st. between 5AM and 11AM since 9/11). i am taking John to the PATH station at the WTC site at 4:45AM so that he can take the PATH train and the bus to his job in NJ. when he leaves work, he reverses the route and then walks home across lower Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge. Marty Markowitz, the Bkln Boro Pres, was there at the end of the Brooklyn Bridge saying 'Welcome to Brooklyn!' and offering John a cup of hot chocolate, like he does for all of the people that walk across the Brooklyn Bridge;

4) many people in NYC hate the strike but support the Local 100 of the Transport Worker's Union. i will not get into the politics of this except to say that if the MTA has found a billion dollars in its coffers, it needs to share it with the workers and the riders.


if you like city, live in the city. if you like country, live in the country. both are valid personal experiences and should not be mocked or judged.


personally, i like living in international megalopoli, like NYC. this might change tomorrow. with the internet, you can be an intellectual fashionista in every area of the world with a decent internet connection and UPS Next Day service, if you are willing to do without some essential foodstuffs like sushi and kitfo.




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its ok sandy goddess u can call me cracker or sran lol

im a lil ruff on da edges but i dint crack dat easy lol

peace n luv to all tis be the season

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