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Merry Christmas!!



I think our family is ready for the big day. All the gifts are purchased and wrapped, sitting under the tree. We went WAAY overboard this year. But, I paid cash for everything, so no big Holiday debt. I baked (which I do every year) about 9 dozen cookies this week, each one different. It is looking very festive around the WfnShow household. The excitement is starting to build.


Lisa is doing quite well. It has finally happened. She, according to her PT/OT therapists, has hit a plateau and was dropped from receiving therapy 3 days a week. It's OK though. We are doing even more at home and she seems to be getting stronger. She continues to go to the therapy center three times a week, but just to use the weight machines with an aide. I have had to really limit the amount of assistance I have been giving her. Hell, she had dinner ready last night when I got home last night. Good for her!! She was quite proud of herself.



That's it. I would like to wish you all a happy Holiday Season!!





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hey Butch:


I m impressed baking cookies can you bring some in our festivus party, I have never baked cookies before, but you guys areall tempting me, our household is not too much into sweets, but I think I should bake this year, you knowwhat I might just go and buy readymade dough and bake some cookies this year maybe my son will like it.


have great Christmas and wishing you and your family happy, healthy and prosperous new year.




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That's great, Butch, This is the way it happens - a little at a time. Perhaps Liz is at a point when she can not now do any more. When she perfects these skills, making dinner more and more, and needing your help less, it will be time for new skills.


Happy holiday to you and yours too. Everything sounds so wonderful, I wish I was part of your family and friends.......but you still have that Minn. cold![/color] roflmao.gif

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Hey Butch!

Glad to hear you are ready for Christmas. I am making a big batch of candy right now, and that's it for me as far as baking goes. (I usually bake so much I can't fit it all in the freezer to store until we need it, like we ever REALLY need it-lol.)


I am glad Lisa seems to continue her progress even though the therapy has changed. Patrick seems to be making slight but steady improvements too. Thats just fine by me.


You and I with our spouses are in this for the long haul, and the load seems to get a tiny bit lighter little by little. We are survivors (of a different kind), too!

Merry Christmas!


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That is impressive, that she had dinner ready for you to eat.Her recovery has been nice to read blossom to this point.

Merry Christmas to you snd yours,


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