Merry Christmas!!
I think our family is ready for the big day. All the gifts are purchased and wrapped, sitting under the tree. We went WAAY overboard this year. But, I paid cash for everything, so no big Holiday debt. I baked (which I do every year) about 9 dozen cookies this week, each one different. It is looking very festive around the WfnShow household. The excitement is starting to build.
Lisa is doing quite well. It has finally happened. She, according to her PT/OT therapists, has hit a plateau and was dropped from receiving therapy 3 days a week. It's OK though. We are doing even more at home and she seems to be getting stronger. She continues to go to the therapy center three times a week, but just to use the weight machines with an aide. I have had to really limit the amount of assistance I have been giving her. Hell, she had dinner ready last night when I got home last night. Good for her!! She was quite proud of herself.
That's it. I would like to wish you all a happy Holiday Season!!
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