Whew**** What a Month
Well it's been *QUITE* a month for me...Most of it GOOD
Thanks to all my friends here for the prayer's and well wishes for my grandson Bill, he is doing quite well now. He developed pleurisy after the pneumonia, but that seems to be resoving now also. He has caught up on his school work and even went outside and played awhile.
John had his check-up's at the VA on Monday. His regular primary care and the dermatology for follow up of the melanoma. Everything is looking GOOD.
Tuesday was our Wedding Anniversary. we have been together 14 years and Anniversary was our 9th. We went out to dinner.
In November John had hired a new employee.. I had been going in to his shop
(he sells and services copy & fax machines and has a self serve copy shop)
I really think the new employee was from another planet. There were 3 of us trying (VERY HARD) to train her. We finally had to let her go. She understood
I will not go into details..Other than to say it was exhausting and extremely frustraiting.
A man came in with his son to make some copies of his college records and to fax them...He said oh, do you have any work my wife is looking for work....
We talked a bit and she had the experience we were looking for.
She started and within two hours ..... I knew we had the perfect person.
I have been goin in training her. She is enthuastic, bright, calm and interested in the job and learning very quickly....
John & I were in the car and I said how much "D" and I are alike.
I was back at the shop and showing here some other things, I asked her how she liked it and did she feel everything was going ok. She siad I told my husband I LOVE my job and Bonnie and I are so much alike...
Both of our employees have disabilities... I only mention this because we all have an understanding & I think a closeness and we all look out for each other.
Within another few weeks, I will be able to go back to just going in one day a week...just to look over things and get paper work together for the accountant.
I GOT MY CHRISTMAS PRESENT..... My nerves and emotions are coming back into order. My husband is not coming home a nervous wreck.
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