family matters
Wow! I am glad I don't know what the future holds because some of it actually comes as a pleasant surprise.
I didn't think I would ever be ready for Christmas this year, we seemed to have so many interruptions that I nearly abandoned the big lunch, dinner for family and guests for Monday night dinner. It seemed such a large task. And Ray was being extremely unco-operative too. But the reality was much better than I had hoped or planned.
Family time was late coming on Christmas day with our first vistors, son, DIL and Tori coming at 1pm instead of 11.30am. However at least we had had plenty of time to get ready, all the food was plated and ready. Trev just finished cooking the seafood and we were set. We all had a lovely lunch and then some dessert, some chat etc. We had decided not to open gifts until our daughter and family came so waited, and waited and finally, at 5.30pm they arrived. They had been delayed too.
So big present opening ceremony and a lot of happy, surprised, amused receivers. Honestly, how do you get it right? In some cases the gifts were well received and in other cases silence. Oh ho I thought, not appreciated. But no adverse comments.
Had another very pleasant meal and then Son in-law said: "I know we said we couldn't stay tonight but would you mind if we did?" We were delighted, more time to play with the littlies, more conversation, more bonding expereinces. When the sleeping arangements were made Tori decided she wanted to stay too, so we fitted one more in. It was wonderful to go to bed knowing that so many of the people I love were under the one roof.
Today was a good day too. My daughter and I visted my Mum this morning. Then back home we had a lovely lunch in which once again we were all together with the exception of my DIL who had to work. Another meal together,mostly leftovers with a few new items added. Just the light meal we needed as it was hotter today. And then mid-afternoon everyone went, but we didn't feel abandoned as we had had a wonderful day together.
Tonight we did have the friends for dinner, did have a delghtful time of fellowship with them, did enjoy their company. It all worked out well and there was plenty of good food to share.
As I said two days that far surpassed my expectations.
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