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I could just scream!



Today, I had to spend time with my sister-in-law, mother-in-law and husband's nephew and his wife and 2 kids. We all went to visit my husband in the hospital.


It's not my mother-in-law that's my thorn in the flesh...it's my sister-in-law. She's very high and mighty, knows it all and is better than anybody else unless they have money. Her big thing is appearances...if something is wrong, don't let on it's bothering you...just smile and look like everything's ok. I've never been one to throw bull poop and candy coat anything... nor one to argue...To have to stand up for my rights to think as I think and look the way I look....basically to be who I am...but everything I do/say/think is wrong. I'm not good enough to be in her family and to be married to her brother. She 'raised' him because she's 18 months older than him. She raised Joe and her only son so well, that makes her the best mother there ever has been or ever will be. Everything I've done with my son has been wrong and has screwed him up. That's impression I get whenever around her.


Why do I let someone else's opinion of me influence me so much? Why do I care?


This all made my visit to see my husband very bad, because I was/am in a bad mood. I can't stand the witch. She's so shallow. I wish I could divorse her!


Thanks for letting me vent. I needed to get this off my chest.


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Tonight I received an email from my sister-in-law. She attacked me in her words.

I have decided to not stoop to her level and reply, but to rise above the situation and let her fight with herself...None of this will be helpful to my husband, Joe, her brother, for him to get well, he needs peace and rest not bickering and attacks from his sister to his wife. It seems she wants to cause as much unrest in our home as she can so she can get rid of me. I could be wrong, but it seems to me she is being very immature and mean spirited....not the Christian woman she professes to be. This is definately not what Jesus would do.... I have chosen not to reply to her attacks. I pray I can stand firm in my resolve not to respond to her. I hope to have someone with me at all times to be a witness to anything she says. She's a snake in the grass as my late mother used to say about her sister-in-law.

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I hope Joe is feeling better.


yea I agree, sister in laws can be a pain. One of mine.....I ahve got 4 of sorts....I think is trying to make life difficult for me and hubby a she wants her and her hubby to be king pins.

It upsets me sometimes but other times I think what the heck...


You rise above it.. dont give her fuel to feed the fire.


Many best wishes to you and your family



An afterthought maybe she is worried about Joe and takes it out on you...doesnt help you any but....

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I feel your pain. I have a sister-in-law, I could do without. . We moved all the way to Texas 2 and a half years ago and that has helped tremendously :wicked: . In fact I haven't seen her in over a year.

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I think my SIL is jealous, and she hates her own life so wants others to be miserable with her. She is divorsed and not dating...hasn't for a couple years now...no guys around worth dating.

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I noticed you still haven't blogged. Haven't you found the entry button yet? The row of four buttons to the upper right on your blog page are labeled: 'member menu', 'your blog settings', content blocks' and 'entries.' This last one, 'entries' will take you to another choice for 'add entry.' From there it's just like it always was.


Also, did you know you blog is set so that no one can read comments on your blog except you and the administrators? (They are showing up pink.) If you didn't want it that way, the way to correct it is to first click on 'your blog settings' then click on 'look' then down near the bottom where it says "approve comments" choose 'no approve' which actually means no approval needed. Then click at the bottom to set your change. You obviously have it set at 'approve' which means you want to approve comments before the public can read them.



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Thank you,Jean about the comments thing....I musta clicked the other thing not knowing what it was.... I still can't make an entry...I tried the Entries button...nothing happens. ?????????? The screen will blink on/off for a second then, nothing different than the original screen. I'm confused! Nothing new...I am brain damaged,. By the way, how'd you like my solution for not being able to pm you?


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After you click on the 'entries' button a little drop down box will appear right under that button where you find the 'add entry' choice. It is really tiny! You're probably missing it.



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Jean, Dollface...it's too late, I gotta get to bed. Hubby is back in hospital...heart was racing too fast and he got dizzy... Doc thought it could have been a blood clot...but CT and MRI came back with good result.


Perhaps we should have gone into the chat room. too late now.

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Well, because I have a MAC and the techie people have a definite bias against MACs...I cannot put a new blot entry, so I'll express myself in my own reply to a blog entry.:angry2:


My husband is out of the hospital now, he's extremely weak and has lost a lot of weigh. he's 5'11"and weighs 136 pounds now. I worry about him ...but it's in God's hands, so what's to worry? Wish I could give him some of my weight. I need to lose weight, but I'm addicted to eating....I'm a glutton!


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It will be easier now that he's home....not so much stress eating situations than running back and forth to the hospital.


Be thinking about you...



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Hubby has turned a corner...he's up to 135.5 pounds from 132.5.

I've contacted Steve to see if techies can resolve the issue for me regarding being able to make a new entry in my blog


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