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Private and not so private thoughts

Entries in this blog

Old Sayings- what was the origin of it?

I like trivia. I like to learn why sayings or expressions come into existance.   "Ruffled my feathers"   "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water." THis one has a long explanation. Back in the 16th century baths were taken in a big tub. Once a year the man of the house had first dibs at the bath, then the other men-folk, then the lady of the house, followed by the children and last but not least, the baby. By that time the water was quite dirty so, the baby evidently did get thrown



I am an addict

My name is Janice and I'm a facebook addict. There, that's the first step...admitting I'm adicted, it's time to come back to strokeboard and help others with my experience and allow me to get back in touch with where I've come from. I just answered a post by a new caregiver to his father. Maybe I was too harsh on him, but it got my dander up by his whining about the smell and nastyness of having to wipe his father's butt. Has he never changed a baby's diaper? Any mother will attest tha



I've resurfaced

It's been a long time since I last blogged. It's been a long time since I last was on the strokeboard website. As of late I've been obsessed with facebook's farmville and farmtown. I have NOT forgotten you, my friends. I still smile at the jokes we shared and chats we had. There is nothing new in my life, only that I'm still on the green side of the grass.



New Allergy???

About a month ago, I got a cut/scratch on the back of my left hand(that dreaded left side neglect again). To 'doctor' myself, I put Neosproin on it and covered it with a bandaid. Within days, I had a horrible mess...itching like crazy. After tollerating about 4 days of that, I stopped the 'treatment' and just washed the area well and then put Aquaphilic on it...which has seemed to assist the healing I wanted. Anyway, I'm not sure which it was but I guess I'm either allergic to the Neosporin



It's hard to get past the doctor's secret service police

Yesterday, I tried to call my doctor's office to follow up on my appointment last week. They make you jump through so many hoops it's crazy! First you have to get past the automated system directing you to make an appointment. Then, if you're lucky you get the menu listing the nurses for each of the doctors in the office. So, then, I left a message on the nurse's voicemail, and have been waiting for a call back from her for over 24 hours. Honestly, you'd think I was trying to talk with the



I have a really smart doctor with a good memory

THis afternoon, hubby went to the pharmacy we use to have one of his scripts refilled, and lo and behold, there were 2 scripts waiting for me. Both were for different things I had talked with him about my last appointment. He musta had it in his notes and called the scripts into our pharmacy. Everyone should have a doctor who's so intelligent and for us women, he's very good looking, tall, dark, brown eyes, mmmmmmmmmm! But alas, I'm old ugly and fat, and married to a fantastic man already.



Gave my doctor had too much to think about

I went to see my doctor yesterday, I had a LIST of questions. He tried his best to answer all of them, even suggested some additional tests to be done, BUT, upon reflecting on that appointment, I realize he omitted following through with a number of the issues. I wonder if I should call the doctor's office back to prod his memory. I'm sure it'd be another 6 weeks before I'd get in to see him for another appointment, so I hesitate attempting another appointment, but, what should I do? The bo



Still have trouble seeing

It's been seven and a half years since my stroke, and I still am having trouble seeing to read, especially small print that   is typed line for line, close together...no space between lines. I tried to change the size of my font here, but it wouldn't   work for me. When I clicked on the sizes pull down, nothing happened. AND there doesn't seem to be a button   allowing for double spacing. :Rant-On:




I am completely tired of this presidential election process!!! It seems to never end!! :bouncing_off_wall:   My memory must be getting worse, I don't remember other election years dragging on and on like this one is.



I've become an old GEEZER!!!

If someone who checks the obituary notices in the local newspaper is a definition of an old geezer, then, I confess, I have started to scan the obits for familiar names.   2nd If going into another room only to forget why I was going there defines an old geezer, I'm there.   Any other ideas of definition of an old Geezer? Maybe this would better be posted in a forum for open discusion.



Anyone else blogging?

It seems there are only a couple people who are currently blogging. I wonder if that's because everyone else is so busy they haven't had time, OR is is because they have nothing to talk about OR they don't want anyone else to know what they're thinking???? Perhaps I'm about the only person without a life and who spends her/his time dinking around on the computer. :Typing:



Last days of summer

Well, we finally are having lovely weather. According to the weatherman, fall starts on Monday, so we're finally getting a summer that's enjoyable. Ususally, every fall, Hubby and I go to Gaysmills, Wisconsin for the apple orchards. That's a fun trip because of the beautiful fall color along the Mississippi River that we cross on our way to the orchards. I have a couple favorites of apple varieties: Jonathon or Jonagold, both are a sweet/tart apple with hard flesh. Even though the apples



What's next?

Does anybody know what's on the horizon? What will happen if I do xyz? How about LMN? What if I'm not able to do it? What am I willing to do to commit to doing IT? How can I be sure 'IT' is the right thing to do?   Guess I"m waxing philosophical today. It all boils down to what my values are, huh? What are my goals, especially now that I'm disabled?   One major goal is: to not be a whiner. I don't want to be a 'burden' to my husband. Yet, what am I capable to do? I really



My doctor is busy

I tried to schedule an appointment today and they told me the first they'd have available would be Oct 21. They then talked to the doctor's nurse and she was able to 'get me in' Oct 2. All this leads me to question: Is there a shortage of doctors?  



What I've learned about myself post stroke

Ashandra suggested I blog about what I've learned about myself after my stroke. At least that's what I think she meant. My stroke was January 11, 2001. Prior to "S" day, I was going about 250 mph in my life, so it felt like I slammed into a brick wall when it happened. I had a real problem because I had 'found my identity' in my work and not in who I am. It's taken some time to get to know who I am and accept the new me. 1}I used to be able to multi-task, but now, I feel I have trouble w



I have a need

I feel a need for blogging. I have nothing to say, mind you,just want to blog. Guess you might call it a need for attention, or something if you were critical.



I need to go see the doctor

Last night I spent about 3 hours fretting over the pain in my feet. It feels like my feet have been 'asleep' for a long time, as if there is a nerve pinched. Because I'm overweight, I was 'stewing' that it might be an indicator of diabetes.



100 things about me

I just wanted to resurrect an old blog entry to regenerate interest in doing the list thing. My 100 things about me you didn't know was typed in March 2005. Others were doing the list thing and it was fun trying to come up with 100 things. Consider this a challange to you to make your own list. Well, since I couldn't figure out how to republish my original list, I did a cut and paste.   Originally Posted on , Mar 5 2005, 10:11 PM   1)I have curly/wavy hair 2)my husband and I were



How old do I feel inside?

Mentally, in many ways, I still feel like I'm 24, inside. HOWEVER, MY BODY TELLS ME A DIFFERENT STORY!!! Chronologically, I'm 55 years old...a senior citizen at many locations. Physically, I often feel like I'm 98 years old.   How can I reconcile these differences?   Aging is so CRUEL!!! Things that I used to be able to do, I can barely remember anymore. OH, that's another thing, the mind is going, too. Or you might say GONE.



There's a Fungus Among Us

I hate gettting old. Now, I have another sign of old age.......toenail fungus that has given me the harder toenails. My shoes hurt because of the toenails being too long because the nails are so thick and hard to cut. I went to a foot doctor last month and he totally removed the whole toenail of my 2nd toe on my left foot. That hurt like he!! Now, I'm afraid I need the 3rd toenail of he left foot removed...more pain. [b]Getting old SUCKS!!!![/b]   BUT, the alternative sucks worse.



No more kittens

Well, we found a home for each of the 2nd litter of 5 kittens, so that's 10kittens total we've adopted out. AND, Joe was able to catch Bootsie, the momma cat and took her to the vet who spay her, so her momma days are over, thank God!! The kittens were cute and fun to watch, but a lot of extra work and worry that we don't need. After all, we're retired and our son is grown and on his own, so, being a baby care giver, to me, is not within the job description of a retiree.



Praise The Lord

Last night the momma kitty brought back her kittens to our garage! Joe and I are so happy and relieved. I saw her carrying one kitten, and told hubby about it, then we watched as she brought 3 more back, but didn't see the 5th one. Hubby looked last night and found only 4 kitten, then, this morning, he looked again and all 5 were there. We handled all 5 kittens to get them used to human contact. 3 had an eye infection, so I took them to the vet to be examined. 3 times a day, all 5 kittens



The Flood Restoration continues

Our home got hit with about 8 inches of water in the basement which ruined the carpet and we had to rip out the bottom 36 inches of drywall. And the bifold doors that had been on the storage closets had to be trashed because of water(mold and mildew). The past 2 days my hubby has been repainting the upper portion of the drywall and the stairwell. The replacement carpet we got at Menard's is to be installed mid August sometime. Then, the paneling we got will be installed as wainscoating. Hub



Helpless to help

Well, a couple days ago, the momma kitty moved her kittens to another location. That was really stupid of her, because where she had them was/is very safe...no possiblility of intruders, AND my hubby was giving her special extra 'treats' next to her 'nest' because she's nursing her babies. Where she is now, we think is in a neighbor's yard that has a large dog, and she still comes around for her treats, but she's SOL for bonus treats like she had been getting. How do you communicate with a



More kittens

Well, we weren't able to catch Bootsie the wild stray cat who gave birth to 5 kittens back in March and the little tramp got knocked up again and had another 5 kittens. We've been giving her 'treats' with canned cat food to support her family. Bootsie is a black with white tuxedo cat with white whiskers...she's beautiful! Her kittens this time are going to be beautiful, too. 3 are grey with white feet, one is all black and the last one is black with white feet like the mommy. Any takers?

