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okay, so I will help



This morning Ray had the visit from the Speech Therapist, she really is a sweetie and has put a lot of thought into the exercises she has designed to help Ray's swallowing. She says he has "silent aspiration" which means that liquids slip down his windpipe and he doesn't react to it at all. Yes, she did talk about thickened fluids but said we'd do some exercises first.


She was here for almost an hour, was polite, funny, sad about what she had to tell us, eager to help. She is such a contrast to the social worker. She wrote down what she wanted done, stood up and explained it and then went through the exercises one at a time. Ray and I laying side-by-side on the bed raising our heads and going red in the face while a minute elapsed must have been worth seeing and we did it three times. Don't do it if you have neck or shoulder problems but if you don't ,try it, it really is a strain, I can see why it is a strengthening exercise. So okay I WILL try to get Ray to do the exercises, for a while at least.


So this afternoon I became "Madame Lash" and put Ray through the swallowing, the knees, the hips, the lower leg, all the exercises he's been given over the last month or so. It took us about 90 minutes and at the end of it I don't know if he was tired but I was. Whether we can manage this every day, twice a day is another matter. I think it will be just one day at a time, as usual.


Tori was here today, Day 2 of the three days we were minding her. They cooked some yummy savoury muffins and I had one despite the ingredients, it was melt-in-the mouth wonderful and I've taken a remedy for the pain already, not good for the "Low Fat diet" lady. Ah well, at least I know what they taste like.


Kristen and all the girls, I did get the cheap television set, it EXACTLY fitted in my entertainment unit so provided it wears well should be okay. After all in five years time we might be watching holograms instead of screens. Who knows what technology will come our way by 2011?


The plan tomorrow if it is fine is to take Tori swimming. She can swim, Ray can watch, I might paddle or walk on the beach or dare I say it? take a book and read, read, read. If it is a nice day we will take a picnic lunch and spend some time out of the house.


Maybe Ray and I can lay side-by-side on the sand, raising our heads and sticking our tongues out. Should give the passers-by something to talk about.


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Congratulations on your new tv, sounds like a "perfect fit" for you. Unfortunately, I can't stop thinking about that savory, melt in your mouth muffin. I guess muffins aren't allowed on any diets- the low fat that you do or the low carb diet like me.



I want that damn muffin.

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And today we did go to the beach, Toowoon Bay, with Trev and Tori. Tori bottomed out a couple of times but up came her head and she was fine. She managed to lose the bucket we had taken, flung it into the water: "Sorry, Granma, it was an accident." she said as usual.s


Trev took a BBQ pack and I took salad and goodies and we had a BBQ lunch, it was a great few hours out.


We took Ray down on the sand, lifting and dragging him and settled him down on a fold-up chair with sand between his toes. The return journey across the sand back to the car was interesting. Ray didn't want to put his shoes back on and toe drop means you dig channels as you go!!


A fun day is one where you come home tired but happy.



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