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Public School Teachers



At this time of night, I finally finished the morning daily news. My attention was centered around several articles in the same newspaper about teachers (Public Schools) mostly women in their 30's who get with boys in their early teens and under. I can't for the life of me, see the continued cause or drive they acquire to have sex with these kids.


Now I can't go to sleep, wondering what motivates them to go that route. This latest case involves a child 11 years old and she is 36 in Laurens, SC. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Where will this craze end? Another case involved a 37 year old lady with a 15 year old boy and she's pregnant


OK, so I'm 64, but in my public school days, that didn't happen. Is it the fault of the parents of these now, grown women, or may be, there is not enough grown men to go around?? Are they caught up in the older woman, younger man craze, if there is such a thing. Perhaps, it's a work place thing, that teacher had sex at school of all places.


Don't get me wrong, I just started reading more current events and that seems to be a trendy thing these days. If its not the teachers, its the preachers molesting the boys and girls. Well what can I say, it happen in the highest office in the USA.


Then there are the abductors and predators living in the neighborhoods, unregistered, ex-cons still applying their trades, robbing kids of their lives and livelyhoods. I guess this is my time to rant, maybe I am eating too much Oatmeal and my mind is in overdrive.


Finally, there are the parents, sometimes the men, sometimes the women who abuse the small children with beatings, then say the child fell, or like one lady, cut the childs arm off, or drown them in the bathtub, or drive them into the lake.


As survivors and caregivers with brain damage, we have to pat ourselves on the back, we got kids that we take care of and people we respect right here. :Rant-Off:


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I wrote this blog late last night, only to discover this evening that I didn't publish it. That may be the case in other cases where the blogs are made but not seen. A member brought that subject up lately about the blogs not being finished or seen. I do have some brain damage and it shows. :yadayada:

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Back in the late 40's there was a woman in our neighbor who was in her 30's and it came out that she was having sex with all the teen and pre-teen boys in the neighborhood who came asking. I remember the scandel of it---or I should say I remember my folks and brother talking about it in later years---but I don't believe she got into any legal trouble over it. So, I honestly believe this stuff has always happened. But because having sex with an under-aged boy has (in more recent decades) been classified as child abuse, we hear about it a lot more. My point is that HEARING about it in the news doesn't necessarily mean it is HAPPENING more often than when we were growing up.


Having said all that, awareness of sexuality in general is happening to our youth at younger and younger ages. I blame the media who keep lowering the standards.



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I was a public school teacher for 5 years and I didn't teach the ages of 13/11. I could never see that happening with me or any of my students. Maybe there are a lot of low self esteem teachers out there who have some sick problem. All I know for a fact is the normal teachers, hate these gross ones giving us all a bad name.


In college, yes we all had to take and pass an ethics class on bizarre situations like these. AS well as a background search, criminal record clearance, finger printed on so on. It disgust me to no end.


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:angry2: I agree with Fred - It doesn't matter if child abuse has been around since the dawn of time.


No one has the right to touch a Child - and especially a teacher or pastor or (God Forbid) Parent.


I once owned a daycare center (Care-ousel Child Care - in Highwood, IL.)


- I closed it because of a little girl named Maria.


She was 4 - she had been raped, by her father.


And I couldn't deal with it.


ANY "authority" figure in a childs life - owes that child more than that.


If a teacher or a pastor or a parent steps over the line, for any "reason" they should be declared mentally incompetent and put away for life.


And a child is legally a child until they are of voting age in my opinion.


Ryan's 15 and I wouldn't let him run my household or rule the world!


Male or female - these "teacher's" and "preacher's" have taught us to be alert - predator's are everywhere.








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All of these episodes of adults having sex with adolescents is inappropriate, but this was happening all along, back in the "good old days", though mostly it was with older men and teenage girls/boys.


Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin.


Loretta Lynn was married at age 13 to a man in his 20s. She stayed married to him until he died.


All of the religious officials having inappropriate relationships with teenagers also comes to mind.


To criticize this recent trend of adult female teachers having sex with their teenage students without criticizing all of the adult male teachers that have been having sex with their teenage students for years tells me that there is a double standard smoewhere in the wind (i'm not saying that you are doing that, Fred, because you made it clear in your 'rant' that you weren't.)



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you are right, we got some males standing trials now, and soldiers who went into the girls bathrooms at school to be with a 7 year old child. A male music instructor messing with boys in his class. Then a male asst principal putting a camera in the ladys bathroom. Its not just females, they just get the most coverage being with the young boys.



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