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Heading into the month of SPRING



Here we go, heading into the month of March with record breaking warm temps projected. That's on the heels of 6 more weeks of bad weather, according to the Ground Hog's prediction after seeing his shadow on Feb 2nd.


Some areas still covered in snow and ice, even here in central Texas, just over a week ago, we had icy roadways and many accidents. Many cars still in body shops awaiting repairs, which are running 4 weeks behind. Today, the projected high temp is a record breaking 82 degrees.


So, today I get a chance to get out and inspect my back yard and front lawn, to see how many ant beds I have to treat. The grass is already turning green. This will be my year to see if I can mow the lawn all by myself. It's in my mind, I hope my body says yes. When I let go the handle, it shuts off, so it shouldn't get away from me. I just want to insure I don't step in an ant bed, since I can't run or walk very fast.


My poor wife will probably have to empty the grass catcher bag and take it to curbside for pickup. If all this doesn't work out as planned, my yardman for the last two years will have to resume the task. I got an electric edger and a hedge trimmer, so maybe I can make the Japaneese boxwood hedge look a bit better.


If all goes well, I may even go to home depot and get more white rock gravel to put around the trees in front my yard, and along the driveway. Nobody is going to believe I did it, but I'm ready to take the credit.


Outside window cleaning is crossing my mind, I hope my nap time comes before my will to accomplish that task arrives for real.


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Hey Fred


It isn't the thought that counts in this case, you've got to go out and give it a try. Even if it takes all week to do a ful two hours work your caregiver wife will love you for it.


In my case it is Ray making an effort to do something for me that counts instead of turning a blind eye to all that needs to be done.


Hope Sprig comes soon and brings some renewed life.



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Hey Scooterman,


One mans curse is another mans blessing! For me the only good thing to come out of this stroke is I'm not going to have to mow my lawn!


I am looking forward to the warm weather and the outdoor activities that go with it though.



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