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I guess this is the reason most neuros and stroke doctors won't give a prediction of recovery rate and err on the gloomy side. Our policy here seems to be a summary something like:"We can't tell you what your progress will be, different people recover at different rates." While that is frustrating it doesn't build up false hope.


Hang in there, you are very determined so with reap the benefits of your efforts.



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You are so right. We are so happy with my neurologist. Since that time his optimism has been welcome and in a better context. For example I had an Opthamologist tell me I my vision would never get any better. My neuro said he wasn't ready to accept than and helped me in a different direction. I think by now though I have a better understanding on what fast means in recovery time.

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Hey AJ:


start counting your blessing and don't worry about how long and stuff, you are here for a reason and be very thankful for lot of abilities you still have. Since I have physical limitation I sometime think cognative issues can be worked on, its like learning new stuff since childhood, but no so sure of my gross &fine motor skills, my stroke left me paralysed on left side, I think big plus in my life is that I can walk and apart from driving pretty much independant,and also I have great hubby&kido






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I am so so so thankful that I don't have any physical deficits. I am simply amazed at people like you that do. I also have a great wife. My kids are great to but they are grown and out of the house. My problem is I am not as patient with myself as I am with others. Both my sisters have had neurological insults and I would give them the advice you gave me but it is hard for me to give it to myself. What a wierdo I know.


By the way J2EE is Java 2 Enterprise Edition. I've done nothing but Java since 1998.

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You say you don't take the advice you would give to others.... I think most survivors in some way beat themselves up over not recovering certion skills or abilities within a certion time frame. So you are no wierdo there. I don't think anyone has a chrystal ball that they can look into and say in this time period, this will come back. It is more like a wait and see and keep challenging ourselves type of thing. But it sounds like you are having a good recovery. Happy for you.


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Can you rent or loan your neuro doc to me for a couple visits? Mine don't seem to be able to read MRI's and defenative in what's going on in my brain.

I'm suppose to get a request for more authorizations from my PCP, but I haven't done that yet. I'm searching for another doc in my area.

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One of my pet peeves about nuerologists is them making predictions about stroke recoveries. Those of us who have been on this site for very long know that there are no two strokes alike and early predictions are often proven wrong.


In my husband's case it was just the opposite of yours....two nuerologists said he'd be a vegetable for life and five plus year later he is anything but that. He's still got the same high IQ and sense of humor he's always had. For us, the neurologists' predictions set us up to work harder at proving them wrong.


I wish they'd just tell people that stroke recovery takes whatever time it takes. But I suppose, being doctors, they feel they need to have more specific answers.



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I can totally relate as the neuro (psiatrist) I saw told me within a year I would never know I had a stroke... AGGHM I was beating myself up and working as hard as i could. I would go to bed thinking is this the day i can wake up and I won't know I had a stroke.


I was also told that what I got back in 18 months would be .."IT"


Well i was not going to listen to that either, the first year my progess was the most noticible, but I went from dragging a leg and my left arm with movement but not much control to walking with a cane and learning to control my arm and my hand (have 2 fingers of left hand that don't work,so no complaints there) This last year I am walking better.. no cane now have a limp .. but do pretty well.


As long as you continue to try, keep hope in your heart and keep challenging yourself you will make progress. sometimes it is something very minor.. hardly noticable, but then you realize . I just did that.




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