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Da middle of March and I need a hug!



Da middle of March and I need a hug! Well kinda. Must be haven an off day today. We are at that crazy time of year when Spring is almost here but not quite. Snow is mostly gone and it is raining. The temp is 34F right now and daylight saving time will be kicking in around the first of the month.


SO! Why am I so blah!


I know that I havn't blogged in awhile and I needed to do that. I havn't been getting enough walking because I have been spending a pile of time in the office over the past month and a half.


Ordered my Bracelets from Strokenet and havn't received them yet. Oh well they will be along one of these days.


Maybe I need to read to get my mind to focus... who knows?


Had to take my mp3 player in for repair yesterday and they had to send it away (it is under waranty)


My Dell laptop had to go in to be reformatted with a new setup.


I know this feeling will pass...I just have to get focused on the positives eh.


Happy thoughts now (focus)


A virtual hug would be appreciated. Not sure why but I know it would help.


Maybe I need cake and icecream. No...that would just make me fat. LOL


Well I have to end this on a positive note. Right, End of March is only two weeks away and I should be able to walk more and more. (happy toughts)


Daylight saving time will be here first weekend in April (longer days..more happy thoughts)


I have more books on my to read list (more happy thoughts)


I CAN have yogurt and ice cream later tonight. (very happy thoughts)


I CAN get off to bed early tonight as well. (been up way to late last few nights) (peaceful thoughts)


Well thanks for listening (it helped) and now I am off to my HAPPY PLACE!


Smiles :)




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:Good-Post: Okay, I'm glad that is off your chest. We are all entitled to bad days, mad days, blah days etc. No little Susie or Simon Sunshines here.


About those hugs, I could airmail you a big bag of them but they might get lost in transit. So I'll just send you three to go on with. :friends: :friends: :friends:


There should be daffodils or snowdrops up soon and you could send me the first rose of summer because by then I will be complaining about the cold here. I think sending virtual roses are okay. the real thing might be misconstrued. :thankyou:


Cheer up Gary, and yes, sometimes we fat people are also jolly but may not always be. :Argh:



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:friends: (((((((((((Gary))))))))))) Hugs are always good even when you are not down. I think we need to give them a bit more around here.

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hey Gary:


glad you asked for virtual hugs, I thought you would never ask:friends: ^infinity. and here I thought you never had any bad days always good days



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:friends: :friends: :friends: There I gave you three, I think I need some in return. It is the middle of March, the rents due. internet needs to be paid as well as anmother unexpected bill and I have PMS today.(everyone stay out of my way if you like your head where it resides on your shoulders.)

I am now munching M&M's, hope it helps.


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