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you're a winner



"Congratulations Mrs *W* you are our grand prize winner for today. You just won yourself a trip to the Bahamas" so said some enthusiastic American voice at the end of my phone line. She was less than enthusiastic when I told her I had an invalid husband, no money to fly anywhere right now, and no time to listen to her spiel. Well lucky me, on a Carers Pension, with a husband who's had five strokes, living on the East Coast of Australia and they are giving me a holiday in the Bahamas!!!! Just what I always wanted!Wake up from this, this is a nightmare.


Don't know if you can picture me throwing down the phone and running but it happened. I felt as if the Devil was chasing me. It is not a good day today, I have a car to unload and it keeps raining, I have laundry to do, and it is raining. I have to go to the shops and pay some bills and it is raining. Did I mention - it's raining? It isn't even heavy downpour, fill your tanks up rain, green up your grass kind of rain. It is just silly gusts of rain, the sort that makes you wet in a short time out in it. So shopping is delayed until tomorrow, laundry can go out then, I have maybe two more loads to do.


I am still coming to terms with the closing of our church and the end of that era. Ray still went off to Bible study on Tuesday, he can't do that forever but for now it is a comfort to him to still go on with some of the familiar routines of his old church life. This coming Sunday we will go and try the "new" church. I hope the folk are friendly there and there are at least a couple who comes over and say "Hello" and introduce themselves. It will be some comfort. But it is not going to be "life as we know it". I am trying not to dwell on that thought right now.


Congratulations Mrs *W* you have been selected to go through life with a lot of little niggling problems that won't kill you but will take a lot of the shine off of life. Quit wasting your time expecting to be happy, the glamourous holidays-in-the Bahamas life is not for the likes of you. And you can also get over the feeling that life is out to get you some days. It is not about you, you have very small problems compared to a lot of others on the planet.


My phone still rings with the church folk, I guess they want to reach out one more time for reassurance. It is sometimes hard being an Earth mother type as people look to you for comfort. Sometimes I can give and give, sometimes I can't. I've said a couple of times today: "I don't have angel wings." You know those big white feathery ones that remind you of Pegasus the flying horse. I think some people do think I have them. They ring me with their troubles and out comes my magic wand. But today the batteries are low and there is no glow at the end of the stick.


Congratulations Mrs *W*, you just got yourself a dream holiday. Pity you can't take it. Oh well I guess we will just ring someone else.


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dear sue,

You are better off not going on that holiday...there is no such thing a s free lunch..We get these sorts of phone calls all the time, there is always a catch. So you are still the winner by not taking their offer :bouncing_off_wall:


We get that type of rain a lot.. we call it "dreich". Very wet, very light, very miserable. Today we have a good drying day. Maybe you will as well.


I live in a small village which had two churches. One had to close. Everyone was apprehensive at first, but is has all worked out for the better.

So chin up everything will be ok :forgive_me?: :friends:




It was a nice day in Melbourne :roflmao:

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Hang in there, honey. Whoever told us life was "fair" was lying! (~_~)


We just have to keep on keeping on and know that there is a reason for all of this. I know on a "good day" you believe this. It's just the bad days that wear us down.



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If it raining, it's pouring, especially when you have so many things to do. Things will get better, the rain will go away and the sun will come out, and now you have a chance to make new friends. Look at the church closing as a new door to open, you may get some really nice new friends out of this. You seem to be a very outgoing person but, take time for yourself, I know it's a hard thing to do. You can't always wear your wings :Angel:


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Sue, just maybe, other members from your church will choose the same church you do, so you'll know a couple people atleast. Then on the other hand, after a couple sundays, everybody new to you will be old by that time.

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Sue yes I have received those calls... You have won the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.... but there is some catch....you have to take in 20 leprachhauns for 2 years... etc etc.. I have learned to cut them off quickly..

I am so sorry about your church, routines, friends etc, become a cmfort and solace.. maybe some of the church members will come to the same church that you chose, or the new will people will be nice and you will make new friends.


I have a comfort zone.. sometimes don't like to get out of it, but you know sometimes good things happen when I do...


You know I am wishing the best for you and Ray. and maybe your magic wand needs a little rest to recharge..


:friends: :friends: :friends: Bonnie

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