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Dysfuntional Families...I Got One



Since my journey to recovery I began I find that I have learned that was a lot going on around me that I didn't even realize. I know my life/work contributed to my stroke, but I only just recently discovered that those surrounding me also contributed. I never realized :unsure: that my family was sooo dysfunctional. Yesterday I attended my nephews 4th birthday party and the funny thing I found was eventhough the kids were all over the place they were the only normal ones in the house.


I could go on and on about what happened with the kids mostly funny stuff , I had a blast with them we had a kids song CD and we danced :happydance: and had a great time...but I will shift my gears to the adults (my family) the not so funny stuff. I don't know, but since I have tried to "RE-INVENT" myself I am seeing that those around me need to be "RE-INVENTED" too. I am not trying to change anyone just myself but my, my, my everyone could use a little push in the right direction. When sitting with the adults I find I just sit back and observe :gleam: , the conversations, the communications it's unbelievable. No one listens to what the other is saying, while of course the "Monarch" of the family is telling everyone what to do. It was really a sight to see. I knew we had issues but I am learning that the whole family is kinda WACK :wacko: .


I think since I have been trying to clear my head and change the way I live I might judge others a bit harsh, but I only want to be normal...I was happy just living or so I thought, but what I was doin' wasn't livin'. I see that there is so much more to do and since my stoke it really opened my eyes to know that tomorrow "really" isn't guaranteed. I read somewhere (maybe someones post), that you learn how prepared you really ARE NOT after a stroke. I am a horrible procrastinator, always saying I will do it tomorrow or later. Well tomorrow or even later "ain't "guaranteed. I want my family to join me on my journey to better days but "that'll happen" :big_grin: .


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Don't hold your breath on the family becoming enlightened or even changing. We had a reason to change how we saw things, they don't have the same motivational factor that we did. Plus, the journey to acceptance is a very personal one.... glad you are enjoying the journey. Besides think of all the amusement and humor added to your life from observing the family........



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i have spent many hours observing and commenting on my dysfunctional family, much to the chagrin of my parents, who love me but think that i'm disrespectful. my dad still says that he wishes that he would raised me in Israel, but i tell him that if he had done that, i would probably be championing the rights of Palestinians. John's family, who make my family look mentally healthy, have totally abandoned him because of his standing up and demanding respect from them since he married me.


my sister Pam is right. the only person that you can change is yourself, and your journey is a personal one. don't count on your family becoming enlightened or changing, just observe them for comic relief.



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I agree with pam and sandy, I went through same journey but now after 2 years I have gone back to my old ways which is not good



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Reading this reminds me that maybe we all need a kick in the butt and remember how we all felt when we were first out of rehab and VOWED to ourselves that the stresses of daily "life" are certainly not worth revisiting where we've been and how SMALL in the picture called life it should be proportioned in the BIG PICTURE!


I'm one for shaking off all the "crud" that weighs us down and makes us not see the freshness a new season has to offer. Spring used to be my most favorite time of year and I WANT TO FEEL THAT AGAIN DAMMIT!


Here's to being happy from the small things in life that give us pleasure!


To hell with families and friends who come with their own weights! Leave them with it.

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