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So much to do, so little time



Hi guys,

You may or may not have noticed, but I haven't been blogging or replying as much as normal lately. I still have been reading posts and blogs though! I Breeze in- I breeze out.


Things have been pretty busy with me- where to start.


1)Work- my General Manager is STILL OUT (since Feb 10th), so there is definately an element of "who's in charge" here. No matter who is "acting GM", there is still that element of not being able to really have the

respect that that title holds from other crew- including managers. Right now we managers are trying to just work together and hold each other accountable, but there is no good way to repremand or truely have a fellow manager feel they need to explain their actions/ lack of actions when you are their "equal". 3 out of 4 of us are doing our best...one is creating more work for us by her inaction. Oh well...we keep plugging away, with or without her cooperation.


2) I GOT THE NEWS THAT WE ARE MOVING!!!! Hot dog, we are moving to Colorado in the middle of June! This of course, means lots of planning and preperation. This is not easy to do when you work 5 days a week and spend SO MUCH TIME at work (needing to accomplish so much there, not easy when there is NO CLEAR LEADER). I keep thinking of things I need to do, but when I try to dig in, I seem to get overwhelmed on where to start.


So far, my TO DO list includes:

-book moving van (can you believe Uhaul etc. wants $1200!!)

-secure an apartment (without ever actually seeing it myself, but have one in the works-cross fingers)

-come up with a plan/orchastrate a date for the move with when people can HELP ME

-decide what goes to a yard sale vs. what we will take

-get ready for and have a yard sale

-call social security office

-set up a new bank account at a branch that is both here and in CO

-get copies of Patrick medical records

-contact saebo therapist in CO and hope see will take us

-call insurance and find dr.s in our network and try to see who is accepting new patients


-get my current place ready for the landlord so he can show it, make repairs, and get our deposit back

-get vet records, take her in to get her annual check up

-set up shutting off of services here


I know- the list goes on and on. See anything major I am forgetting???? It's been seven years since my last move, and about 14 years since I've moved halfway across the country.


Even with all the work that this entails... I AM SO EXCITED! So... if you see I've been on, but haven't been that "involved", it's because I have so much on my plate now. But I still love keeping up with all that you are doing, and I'll keep checking in to see whats up. Hopefully in a few months things with settle down again!


Take care!


1 Comment

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I know the list is endless but so Happy that you are excited about the move..

Your sons medical records and coy of his school records..

Refills of medications.. 3 months worth if you cn manage it, so if it takes you time to transer Insurance and set up appointments with new doctors you will have some time before you need refills.


and know were are thinking of you and family and will be looking forward to hearing all about the new wonders.


love ya Bonnie

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