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Grieving...AT LAST!



:angry2: Today marks the first day of turning the page of the past. My marraige of 19 years ended in a disaster 14 years ago. Depression has a way of bringing up unresolved issues from the past and so it did. I realized that I had not turned the page to my 19 year marraige to Bob, who was the man of my life for as long as I can remember. I tried everything to make it work between us. He said he loved me BUT was never open for discussion. I compromised a LOT for this marraige to work. I thought that since "we" loved one another we were bound to work out our problems and make it work. But it never came to be. I LOVED this man with ALL my heart and soul and did not get very much in return because he is the kind of individual who does not open his "being"...he cannot really be intimate with someone else.

I am stunned. It's been 14 years since our divorce and STILL he refuses to acknowledge my existence.

I really believe I was HAD by someone who did NOT love me. He just loved being with someone, that's all.



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I think you gave so much of your heart and soul during the 19 years until it's very hard to not grieve some when looking back. Make it temporary in time then look forward and how far you have traveled since your stroke as a single person.


There has to be happier times ahead looking at how much you stand to gain in peace of mind and in overcoming the stroke, even returning to work in some capacity at some point.


Head up, chin up, the stars are up and ahead of you is experience from the past. :rolleyes:

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I have come to realize (also through divorce) that some people have brick walls for one reason or another, and hang on tightly to those bricks. Some people are givers, some people are takers....


Sometimes we have to learn to close the door and open a window.


Best of Luck and warm(((((((HUGS))))))))



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:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Three cheers for women like you who manage to be strong when they feel weak, brave when they feel shaky and a great example of the inspiration that comes from doing everyday living well.


I have read most of your blogs and think you are a remarkable person. Sure you have weaknesses but it is your determination to make the most of life which shines through.


Sometimes we just have to leave people behind, it is not because we want to but because nothing we do can make them see life as we see it.Tough decision, but one we sometimes have to make.

Sue.:friends: :friends:

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I feel for you.

Something i found the other day:


When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often times we look so long at the

closed door that we don't see the one,

which has been opened for us.


:friends: :friends:


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Hi Joanne


So happy to hear that you are able to close the door on the past and open a new door to your future.


I sincerely wish you the very best and every happiness in your future endevors.


Your stroke buddies have posted some very beautiful messages of encouragement for you.


As I am not so gifted with words I will say, enjoy the VERY BEST in life in every way that you can.


Smiles :)



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i remember all the pain that i felt going through my divorce from my first husband and all of the denial that he had and still has about the circumstances surrounding the divorce (he recently attended an AA meeting with my current husband, and they talked, so i know that for a fact.)


i hope that someday your pain is gone.


:console: :hug:



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