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I have had a hard time since my first stroke feeling useless. Pre stroke I worked as an RN in a homecare setting. I had taken a new position 18 months prior to the stroke that was a real challenge. It took me off the road after I had had problems healthwise due to lyme disease that was not diagnosed for 4 years. The new position was doing all the performance improvement for the agency; reviewing records for completeness, education staff on all aspects of new procedures and insuring they were complying with alot of regulations for medicare and the joint commission, going out with staff for supervision, attending conferences to educate myself then staff on new rules and writing monthly reports that were 4 inches thick on everything we were doing and stuff like that.

In addition I was keeping a home and raising 3 teens alone as my husband was having a problem with addictions.


Post stroke, I have a hard time keeping up with everyday things around the house.

The kids are taking advantage of the new me at every chance.

Some days...sometimes alot of days I cant find words and they make fun of that.


Recently I offered to help a young single mom with childcare as she tries to get back on her feet.


Gennie is almost 3 and keeps me going, never stops. Wish I could take a bit of that energy for myself!!


The first thing she wants to do is blow bubbles. We can sit on the deck for hours just blowing bubbles.

The other day there was a strong breeze off and on, and the bubbles really went far into the sky before they broke. How relaxing to watch them just lazily take to the wind and fly!

Gennie's excitement with watching was contagious. For the first time in so long I was relaxing, having some fun just watching the bubbles.

How nice to just enjoy that innocent little thing!

I am so taken up in trying to be what I used to be. Get frustrated when I take ALL DAY just cleaning the kitchen and dining room floors. Feel like I should have done so much more.

SHOULDING all over myself!


What a blessing to me to have time to just sit and blow bubbles!


Try it!

Soak up a little sun, feel the warmth and just blow bubbles!


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Hi Mary,


Glad to see you can appeciate a day. Like they say one day at a time. That attitude you have will take you far, just grab it and hold on tight! :cheer:



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Hi, Mary,

I can't agree w/ you more on the bubbles. My Grandchildren LOVE bubbles and I get to be a kid again and relax and be stress free. If you have a Dollar Tree in your town they have a Giant bubble blower w/ a dip tray. We had so much fun at EAster with it that I went back and bought one for myself at home. Kids are so easy to please at that age. HAve fun and enjoy you day.

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Mary, what a lovely thing to do. I minded my grandaughter one day a week but now she is at school. I really miss, colouring and cutting out, bubble blowing, scarf dancing and the trips to the park and Granma's turn on the swing.


Being with little kids keeps you young but living with critical teens makes you feel old. Guess we have to learn to let the criticism float away just like the bubbles do.


Sue. :bow_arrow:

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I dont know how old your children are but mine make fun/ laugh at my incorrect words all the time. Usually in a kind way, unless they atre nerked about something. I was trying to help my 15 y/o revise tonight. I was reading from a chemistry book...I havent done chemistry for about 35 yrs. He kept asking me to repeat words...I then cottoned on was the ones I couldnt say properly.

Oh well if it helps him remember so be it.


Maybe next time I will suggest bubbles :hahaha:


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