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Festival overdose



The festival was fun. As fun as you can have in the 70 degree rain. I had my raincoat and hood on(felt like eminen). I had enough crowds to last me a good long year. My husband swears this festival off every year proclaiming it is the last time he is going. Somehow he gets coaxed into going year after year.


My funnel cake was the worst ever. It could of been the 20 minute wait, or the rain the gooped up the powdered sugar on top. I don't know which one. I ate maybe a fourth of it. It was too greasy/sweet to enjoy.


I would have to say, I had more fun watching my sister, change and examine a diaper that weighed about 5 pounds and a load of waste, about the size of a six week old puppy..no lie.


Her 3 year old got very constipated, she laced his milk, with Milk of Magnesia, and in one hour on the dot the front and back door were open airing the house out. His poor tummy looked pregnant before the BM, and crazy skinny after it was over.


He doesn't like to poop,so he fights against it until it wins or the laxative does. It looks miserable fighting against your body's functions. He clenches his cute little butt so tight, it's sad. It was the fullest diaper I have ever seen. It got on his shirt, on my carpet. But nothing that a little Tide can't get out.


It is the best feeling being around my nephews. I get this non-disabled, young feeling, spirit come over me.

It may take a week for me to recover energy wise....but it's all worth it.



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He has been tested for lots of disorders, b/c of his poopy problems, can't find a thing wrong with him, so his pediatrician has him on Rx laxative. He is suppose to "grow out of this problem." Thank you for your concern.


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