Note to self...
Yesterday, May 13, 2006 was my six month "anniversary(?)" of my stroke. I decided to make a timeline of this experience.
Start of November - migraines with blindness
11/11 - TIA at work, visit doctor had "normal" CT scan
11/13 - TIA at 10k starting line, stroke during nap
11/13 - 11/16 - ICU
11/16 - 11/18 - regular hospital
11/18 - 12/1 - rehab hospital (released from hospital on Dec 1st)
11/18 - moved finger - arm came along slowly over the next week
11/20 - dressed myself
12/12 - started to drive automatic transmission (shouldn't have driven so early, attention span too short)
12/24 - no more quad cane, wanted to walk for Christmas
walking *slowly* improved (still improving)
12/25 - rode tandem bike with hubby
2/15 - rode own bike for a *very* short ride (leg kept falling off pedal)
3/13 - stopped physical therapy - no more visits left
4/1 - started to drive manual transmission (my own car, finally!)
4/25 - SKIPPED!
5/6 - attempted to jog (very ugly and uncoordinated)
5/10 - attempted step aerobics video (still ugly and uncoordinated)
I know that when I look at this list, it seems that I have progressed so far and so fast, I wish it felt that way to me - doctor says that age and health played a large part.
What will my 1 year look like?
What I feel now:
Frustrated at my lack of coordination
Scared that part of my brain is dead. gone forever. never to return.
Terrified at what life will bring at me next. What other health issue will we address? Will I ever graduate with my degree? What will I do with my life? What kind of meaning will my life have to me? to others?
To review November 13, 2006
- Stroke woman
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