The idea of me becoming what I used to be is looking more and more like a breakout or an escape. It has been over 8 months since my strokes. I'm coming to grips that my cognitive deficits are going to take much much longer than I thought to get back or I maybe not at all. In my life as an engineer I used to do some pretty complex Algebra in my head and translate it to code. I could even do simple Calculus and translate it to code (the telecom geeks really love their math). My wife got me some puzzle books and I consitantly struggle with simple math. For example I cannot solve this simple one variable Algabra puzzle/problem even after I know the answer is -48:
16 - 20 * 2 - 40 / 8 + 19 = x
I used to be able to do stuff like this by inspection.
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