bad thoughts
Funny how easy it is to tell someone you don't expect things to be perfect. "Of course" you say, smiling graciously, "I don't expect things to be perfect." What a dissembler I am. Of course I expect life to be perfect otherwise why am I even mentioning it?
Had a couple of not so good days. A friend let me down. It may have been a misunderstanding I suppose, as even face-to-face communications isn't always straight forward. She had asked our son to go and help with a BBQ at her place today. She told him she was having a few friends in. She had been up earlier in the week asking about how I prepare for a BBq, so he assumed and I did too that we were invited. We weren't. Luckily I went down this morning and asked what her plans were for the day intending to follow that up with an offer of help. She just told me she was a bit pushed for time as she was having a few friends around for a BBQ. I took the hint and left.
Now I could say "OH well, these things happen." but I guess these things happen a lot to stroke survivors and their caregivers. Former friends walk past without saying hello, you don't get included in outings any more, your Christmas card list dwindles. If it weren't for family and a handful of faithful friends we would all be very lonely. No more parties, no invitations to weddings, very few people calling around. I can see that having someone like Ray at a party can be a bit awkward, after all he does have some swallowing issues, and as we come as a package if he is excluded, I am excluded too. It is getting more isolating now, this stroke thing.
And another friend let me down too. She passed on something that I had said to her in confidence, and passed it on out of context. It is getting to the stage where it is harder to communicate with people. If you can't trust an old friend who can you trust? Sometimes I feel in winter that I just want to climb into a nice warm cave and do the bear thing, hibernate for the winter. Not being a kind friend, looking after my neighbours properties. I don't want to spend my days keeping up the gardening and the cooking and the cleaning, and looking after Ray's health and well-being. Sometimes I want to sit in the corner and sulk and think bad thoughts. The way I did as a child when something or someone annoyed me. Or sit and daydream in front of the fire with a warm cover around me, knowing that "someone" would give me a cup of steaming soup, a slice of fresh bread and butter. Where is the doorway back to those "golden years"?
Ray seemed tired and out of sorts today, did a few silly things, nearly took a couple of Panadeine tablets that Trevor left on the sideboard thinking that they were his tablets. I will have to be more vigilant now. And it is getting harder to relax as I AM being more vigilant now. It's a vicious circle isn't it? The dementia, I guess, is the cause of a lot of the confusion. I am hoping that is all it is.
I go to bed each night knowing that tomorrow will be another day and hopefully a good one. And some of them are, I have some lovely days. And so I don't get depressed when a few things go wrong. But some nights I do want to scream and cry wildly into the night like a banshee. And tonight is one of those. So just as well I was able to connect to a few folk in chat. Takes some of that lonely feeling away.
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