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Another hit leftover from the car crash...



It's a rainy day today - matches my mood very well. It's actually two more hits - one,my active daughter will have t wear that stupid corset brace for the chipped bones in her back for another month and then will start PT for the next few months - which means no cross-country this year - she is majorly disappointed and bummed out. I feel very bad for her.

Two, Also found out that the passenger in the car that I hit died a few days ago. He was in bad health before the crash and didn't recover well after I put him in the hospital.

SoI'm not going to drive for a very long time I think - there's just too much at stake and the thought of me in a 3000# vehicle again is turning my stomach. So I'll mosy along as I have been since the crash and get rides as I can and do public Transport when I can get them out here.

Received prelim results back from ST cognition testing - I am moderately impaired......always thpught so but noe I have proof!....Going to switch over to the forums now, I need to talk to somebody about this


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